Chapter 3 - I'm Just A Street Rat.

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Michael sat in his car with his phone pressed to his ear. "Honey I'm telling you, this child is so sweet, they helped our children without asking for a thing in return!" Bianca's voice cooed, making the man smile. "Are they still at the house? I wouldn't mind meeting them if that's what you wish." His velvet smooth voice asked, wanting to make his dear wife happy. "Yes! Elise dragged her into a tea party. Are you almost here?" He looked up to the driver, a young girl with blonde hair and gray eyes. "5 minutes away, sir." He nodded and informed his wife. "Great! I'll let the workers know. I love you!" Bianca called out, clearly excited. "I love you too dear." Michael let a few chuckles escape as he hung up. "She seems excited. Is there a reason why?" Ashley asked, pulling a pair of sunglasses over her eyes. "Apparently Elise and Kristen were jumped by a few street rats. Then some kid came out and saved them." Michael explained, smiling at his wife's behavior. "She must really like this kid to be this happy." Ashley snorted, finding her boss and friend to be a bit ridiculous. "It's cute to see her this happy." Michael defended, giving a playful glare. "Ugh, save the lovey stuff for her. You don't need to remind me of my lonely life." Ashley jabbed, finding enjoyment in the conversation. Michael and her always had an innocent relationship, like he was the father she never had. "You know my wife has tried helping you with that." Michael pointed out. "I'm not about to date Jackson. The thought makes me sick." The two bickered playfully the rest of the ride home.
Elise had dragged (Y/N) through the halls once she heard her father returned, an excited glint in her eyes that would've scared (Y/N) if they cared enough. Nearing the main foyer, voices could be heard. "Welcome home, dear! Ohh you'll love the child, they're so well mannered and sweet, I've never seen Elise so happy!" Bianca's voice was what (Y/N) recognized first. The next voice made (Y/N) panic a bit. "They sound lovely, dear. Where are they?" That must have been Elise's father. "Daddy! Daddy! You're home!" Elise let go of (Y/N)'s hand and ran to her father, jumping in his arms. "There you are, princess! How are you?" He asked. It was a sweet sight to see. (Y/N) felt a bit cold as they stared. They wouldn't be able to experience a moment like that. Hell, they rarely experienced it when their father was alive. He was always busy with work, much like (Y/N) and he gave Evelyn most of his attention since she often got jealous. Imagine getting jealous of your own kid for getting attention from their father.

(Y/N) shook their head to get rid of the thoughts, looking back at the group. "This is (Y/N)! My new best friend!" Elise announced, pointing up at the outsider. (Y/N) hesitantly made their way down the steps. "So you're the one who helped my children." The man hummed. He was tall, maybe over 6ft? Broad shoulders, a suit, stubble, and piercing blue eyes. (Y/N) gave a polite nod, their throat was hurting from using it so much so they didn't trust how quiet it'd be. The man analyzed the kid before placing a hand on their head. "You have my respect and gratitude. I'm Michael Gravano, pleasure to meet you." He said with a fatherly smile. (Y/N) gave another nod before looking at the ground. "They're really quiet, it's adorable!" Elise commented, hugging the older childs arm. "It certainly is. Come along, dinner is prepared!" Bianca informed, walking beside her husband. "Come on, you can sit next to me and Kristen!" Elise cheered, dragging (Y/N) ahead of the parents.

The dining room was huge. There were multiple chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, making (Y/N) question if any of these people were concerned about earthquakes, and a large table made of mahogany wood. Matching chairs were sat around the table, which had multiple foods placed on top. Kristen had been seated by the head chair, taking sips of his water. "Oh, there you are. What are they doing here? I thought they left." Kristen said, trying to act tough. "They're joining us for dinner! Come on, (Y/N), sit beside me!" Elise sat next to her twin and patted the chair next to her. (Y/N) glanced at Kristen before taking a seat, fumbling with their hands under the table. Bianca and Michael soon joined, Michael sitting at the head and Bianca to his right.  "So, (Y/N) dear, feel free to eat whatever you'd like! After dinner I'll have Jackson give you your clothes and take you home." Bianca said, giving a motherly smile. "Thank you... You really didn't need to do this, I'd hate to be a bother." (Y/N) confessed, looking down at their plate. The couple shared a look before looking to the child. "Please, this is our way of repaying you for saving the kids." Bianca explained, reaching over to grab the childs hand. "Our children mean everything to us, we'd repay you even if you simply helped them with homework." Michael added, giving a warm laugh.

(Y/N) felt their face heat up, this was such a foreign concept to them, it made them feel weird. They... Didn't mind it. But they knew not to get attached, this was the Gravano family for crying out loud! If (Y/N) makes a single wrong move, they could get hurt, or worse! Mother might even get hurt! "T... Thank you..." They whispered, covering their face with their hair. Bianca was practically cooing at how adorable the child was. Michael had to admit, the kid was pretty sweet. And Elise seemed to love them, which was great. Kristen would warm up to them if they stuck around, he always does. He started thinking of what would happen when they took the kid back. What if those kids came back to attack them? Street rats can be pretty bad, especially in that area. Maybe they could send someone to watch over them for a while. Continuing to eat, Michael decided that they'd send someone to keep an eye on them.


Finally finishing dinner, which (Y/N) couldn't eat much of on account of how rich the food was, Jackson escorted the (H/C) to the bathroom. Their clothes were on the sink along with a brush. "Go on and get changed, I'll drive you home after you're done." Jackson said, smiling down at them. (Y/N) simply nodded and closed the door, carefully taking the clothes off and changing into their sweater and overalls. They brushed their hair back a bit and stared at their reflection. What were they doing? They're a street rat, they shouldn't be in this mansion. They shouldn't have had dinner with these people, hell they were barely speaking! They could've taken (Y/N)'s silence the wrong way! This could only end horribly.

With a final sigh, (Y/N) walked out of the bathroom and headed off to find Jackson. They looked down the steps and saw the family gathered by the front door. "Ah, there they are. We wish a good night, dear. Are you sure you don't want to spend the night?" Bianca asked, giving a concerned smile. "I'm sure... Thank you for the offer..." Elise frowned at the response, wanting (Y/N) to stay a little longer. "Why not? Your parents wouldn't mind, would they? I bet if we called them then they could meet mommy and daddy!" Elise suggested, holding one of the child's hands. "Elise... I really shouldn't stay here... I'm a street rat, I don't deserve to be in this place. My mother needs me, anyways... I still need to give her the money from today." (Y/N) explained, already feeling drained from the stressful day. Elise was silent, as well as the others. (Y/N) started scolding their action, surely they'd get shot for that.

"Here. Take this. A final thank you, if you will." Michael said, snapping his fingers. (Y/N) lifted their head, looking at a maid who shuffled over. In her hands was two stacks of cash. "That's over 500 dollars. I think that'll suffice for your services." Michael explained, giving a sweet smile. (Y/N) hesitated before grabbing the stacks. "Thank you... For dinner and the money... Ill... I'll get going..." (Y/N) sputtered, wanting to hurry out. This was too much, taking this money was a horrible idea. Surely those smiles were fake! No one would cough up 500 dollars like that! The strings were practically glowing in a bright light!! So why did they take it?! Jackson had been waiting by the car when (Y/N) reached the bottom of the steps. They hurried over and climbed into the car, thanking Jackson who both opened and closed the door. He walked over to the driver side and started the car, pulling out of the driveway and heading out. After getting the directions, the two stayed silent during the ride home. (Y/N) kept looking out the windows, almost as if looking for a glint of light from a scope or maybe a person's shadow. Jackson seemed to notice and changed the radio to a nicer station. The calming music seemed to relax (Y/N) a bit, but they were still darting their eyes everywhere.

Finally pulling into the neighborhood, Jackson parked infront of an apartment complex. It was really rundown like most of the buildings, broken windows and chipped paint, even some graffiti. "Thank you." (Y/N) mumbled, opening the door and walking up the steps. Before reaching the steps, the door was slammed open, revealing a drunken Woman. She had disheveled (H/C) locks and wore a messy dress. "There you are! Where have you been ? Do you have any idea how long I've been waiting? Honestly if you wanted to leave me to rot you should've at least left some money!" The woman shouted, gripping the child's arm harshly. Jackson watched with narrowed eyes, pulling his phone out to record the scene. Michael wanted him to keep track of anything that happened in case (Y/N) had been attacked by those kids again, but this? This actually explained quite a bit, like why they were so quiet and flinched from loud noises. Having seen enough, Jackson pulled out and drove back to the manor after sending the video to Michael. Tomorrow they'll send someone to watch over (Y/N) as they work.

Maybe they can keep (Y/N) safe for a while, even if they don't trust the family yet.

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