Chapter 8 - Depressive Paranoia

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(A/N) Heads up, kiddos! More manipulation and quite a bit of language ahead! Also some slight forced kisses (forehead and cheek) and Kyle acting like a complete creep! Feel free to skip the scene! A little later is a scene w/ vomit and a panic attack and extreme self harm (self choking) so keep it in mind as well!!

(Y/N) sat at the table in silence. The Gravano family was eating dinner at the moment, however (Y/N) had no appetite. They poked at the unappealing rice whilst listening to the conversations. "We had tea, cookies, Jackson even joined in!" Elise said cheerfully, describing the day the three kids had. "My, is that why (Y/N) hasn't touched their food?" Bianca teased, shifting the table's attention to the tired teen. "... Huh.. O-Oh... Uh... Sorry... I guess... I..."

"(Y/N)'s still weak from their illness. I made sure they had a salad earlier, so it most likely filled them up." Jackson spoke up, filling Michael's glass. "Ahh I see." Michael hummed. "Oh, dear you should've told me! I wouldn't have given you so much!" Bianca fretted. "Probably poisoned it with something. Pretty weird how after I eat here I get sick." The teen thought to themselves before giving a strained smile. "It's no problem... I'm getting pretty tired though... Could I..." They trailed off, feeling nervous suddenly. Bianca simply smiled and nodded. "Of course, would you like one of us to walk you back? We'd hate for you to faint." Shaking their head, (Y/N) stood up and bowed before making their way out the room.

Once they were out of earshot, Michael folded his hands under his chin, resting his elbows on the table. "We need to work out a new plan. The kid is growing on me, I'll admit it." The man confessed. Bianca cooed at her husband before nodding. "I completely agree. We have to try and be more subtle. Your sibling needs to be lured into a sense of security." Bianca explained, waving a finger around. Kristen crossed his arms, looking to the side. "I had them in a pretty safe space till Elise ruined everything." He muttered. Elise pushed her seat back, slamming her hands on the table. "Hey! I wasn't laying in their lap drooling like a baby while they read a dumb book! I've been spending actual time with them!" Elise pouted. Kristen glared at his twin through his hair. "If you really spent time with them, you'd know (Y/N) loves reading. They haven't been able to sit down with a book in a while, they actually said they missed reading to someone!" Kristen argued. Bianca and Michael both sighed. "Kids please, we understand you both want to spend time with (Y/N) but you need to stop fighting." Bianca said, rubbing her temple. "Your mother is right, kids. Work together. Elise, maybe do something other than tea parties. Kristen, maybe you should walk in the garden and talk with them." Michael suggested.

With that, the family resumed eating while making plans for the small teen, not paying attention to Kyle in the door. The boy backed out after shaking his head to the buttler, clenching his fists. Once he was a good ways down the hall, he let out a few growls, punching the wall in anger. "Those brats get everything they want. Why do they get tips on hanging with (Y/N)? I should be the one spending time with them, not those snot-nosed kids!" Kyle had both hands on the wall, grinding his teeth as he did an inner monologue. He only snapped out of it when a hand forced him to turn around.

"Kyle. Calm down. You're lucky the kid isn't here to see you like this." Ashley's voice lulled him out of his tantrum. "Ash? Let go of me." Kyle tried to break out of her grip, but Ashly had dug her nails into his shirt. "Kyle, I'm warning you..." After a bit of struggling, Kyle sighed and gave up, going limp. "Wanna explain what that was about?" Ashly asked, letting the boy sit on the floor. Kyle pulled his knees up and sighed, letting a quiet mumble out. "Speak up." Ashley rolled her eyes, leaning against the wall next to him. "I said I was annoyed." Kyle glared. Ashley raised a brow. "Elaborate." And so, Kyle spilled his feelings to the one person he could call family.

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