Chapter 4 - I Have Stalkers?

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As the sun shone through the cracked window, (Y/N) rolled out from under their bed. They hid under there since they felt like they were being watched last night, under the bed was the only way they could sleep. They laid on the floor for a while, groaning from their forming headache. "Man I hope I'm not sick..." They thought to themselves, fighting the urge to roll back under the bed. "(Y/N)!! Mommy ne... Needs 70 bucks..." The woman slurred, stumbling in the room. "... Get off the floor before you end up like him." Evelyn demanded, gripping the child's wrist tightly. "Sorry, mother..." (Y/N) used to lay with their father on the floor, really anything they did would be on the floor. Apparently Evelyn despises the old habit.

"Now get my money, Jim is taking me to a nice bar and I want to get a nice dress." Ah, yes. Jim. Evelyn's new boy toy sugar daddy. Stumbling over to the dresser, (Y/N) grabbed a few 20's and a 10 from one of the bags. "Here you go... I'll get to work..." (Y/N) stated, walking off to change. "Don't stay out late again, got it? The neighbors are nosey enough, I don't want to seem like a worse person." Evelyn complained before walking off. "Yes mam..." (Y/N) slipped off their clothes and hoped into the closet. Grabbing a green sweater and black skirt, (Y/N) decided that this would be a break day. They weren't feeling hot, so maybe walking around would be a good change. Slipping on some socks and shoes, (Y/N) made their way out the apartment.

Exiting through the front, (Y/N) made their way down the steps. Walking past the alleyway, and petting the street cat, (Y/N) quickly went to the park. This place was really nice. (Y/N) and their dad used to come here every other weekend, playing on the swings and running from each other. (Y/N) gave a soft smile at the thought before it was replaced with sadness. They rarely got to come here anymore. Evelyn's gambling addiction is getting worse and worse, all the money income fell onto (Y/N)'s shoulders. (Y/N) had at least 3 money nightmares a week, they stressed over eating a single slice of bread, they scolded themselves for using any form of electricity! They really weren't a kid anymore, were they?

Shaking the thoughts from their head, (Y/N) made a cut through the woods. Long ago there was an old build site in the woods. They were planning on making it into an inn, but as the crime went up the people cancelled. All that remains is the left over decaying building. Well, the place still has working electricity, believe it or not. At least it did a few months back, (Y/N) wasn't sure if it was still running. Pushing past a few branches, (Y/N) found the old path. It was overgrowing with weeds and bushes, seems some cigarettes were left on the ground too. Following the path, (Y/N) soon found themselves standing on a small hill, looking down at a fairly big building. "Graffiti... I guess a few people found it... Please don't let there be teens making out...." (Y/N) quietly prayed, making their way down to the building. They failed to notice the eyes watching over them, silently chuckling at the prayer.

Pushing open the door, (Y/N) walked into what would have been the main foyer. Humming a familiar tune, (Y/N) straightened out their skirt as they wandered around, poking and messing with various things. This was one of the rare times they could act like a carefree kid, it was a little odd actually. Making their way up the steps, (Y/N) wondered about the Gravano family. Did Elise and Kristen have any problems? Or was everything literally handed to them on a silver platter? Letting a soft growl out, (Y/N) roughly opened a door. "I get wanting to repay me but making me stay late like that?" They ranted out loud to no one. "I got into so much trouble, I doubt Elise has ever been yelled at!" They kicked a can before slumping against the wall. "Why did I even go into the house... The food probably made me sick..." They muttered, crawling over to an old mattress.

They really didn't feel well, the headache was growing and they felt cold. Grabbing an old blanket, (Y/N) covered their legs and curled up into a ball, listening to the sounds of nature. If they had any luck, no drug deals would happen. At least, not in that room. They started thinking of their life as they dozed off. Were they really okay with being in that cramped apartment? Were they really fine with Evelyn taking over half of the earnings every other day to blow off men and get drunk? The Gravano's were so lucky, even if they didn't think so. Sure, they have to deal with potential gangs and threats, but the whole family is protected by trained fighters. What does (Y/N) have to keep them safe? A drunken mother who verbally abuses them every night and drags them around? Street rep as the silent but feisty workaholic? They can't trust anyone, they can't feel safe with anyone, they wish they could be thrown into another family that can provide those feelings. But then they'd leave Evelyn... While Evelyn is in a horrible spot right now, she's still their mother. They had fun before, with their father. Evelyn is suffering just as much, so (Y/N) couldn't leave her. Giving a soft sigh, (Y/N) let out a quiet prayer as a single tear rolled down their cheek. "Lord please... Bring me some hope... Bring me a good family..." And with that, they passed out.

Ashley had been sitting outside the room, watching through the cracks. "... Poor kid..." She mumbled, feeling actual sympathy for them. Lifting her phone and punching in a few numbers, Ashley beckoned for a scrawny boy. The boy was Kyle, a messenger for the family. "Hey. They're passed out in the old Inn. Remember the one that had been cancelled due to crime?" Ashley spoke softly into the phone. Kyle had been peeking into the room, staring at the 15 year old. "They're kinda cute." He bluntly stated, giving a soft smile. "Don't even think about it, Kyle. Jackson, any idea on where the mom is?" Ashley asked, going back to the phone after scolding Kyle. Shrugging her off, Kyle snuck into the room, being extremely light on his feet. "Hold on Jackson- Kyle what are you doing?" Ashley asked in a hushed voice. "They're cold, and sweating, and groaning, I think they're sick." He whispered back, covering them with another blanket. "Shit, really? Jackson any ideas? She might be sick." Ashley hushed into the phone.

Kyle looked down at the sleeping kid and smiled, brushing some hair out of their face. "Cute..." He mumbled, noting how they slightly moved into the soft touch. "Kyle, careful. Come on, Evelyn (L/N) already met up with Drake. If we're lucky he can get more info out." Ashley explained, standing up. "What about them? I thought we had to watch over them." He pointed out. "Jackson is on his way with medicine, he gave us the OK." Kyle nodded and got up, giving (Y/N) one last look before sneaking off with Ashley. Boy oh boy was he crushing.

Cracking their (E/C) eyes open, (Y/N) sat up and rubbed their head, wincing at the pain. "Mm... Everything hurts..." Looking around the room, (Y/N)'s eyes landed on a bag next to the mattress. Staring at it for a while before grabbing it, they noticed a note stapled to the bag. The note read, "Gifted from the Gravano family, get better soon." Inside the bag was fever medicine and some water.
What the fu-


(A/N) bit of a shorter chapter, sorry!

So! You have a family looking after you! And apparently one of the members has a little crush? Cute.

Have fun! I'll see you soon~

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