Chapter 6 - Welcome To The Family

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(A/N) yeah I'm struggling to match chapter names and songs so sooner or later they won't match unless it's the name and it's most likely going to be ost songs or vocaloids because those are literally all I listen to <3

(TW: mentions of panic attacks, slight self harm (nothing major just digging nails into skin) manipulation, vomit and overall sickness! I'll put --- at the before and after the scene, so feel free to skip that part!)

Breathing heavily, (Y/N) slowly opened their eyes, groaning at the nauseating feeling in their stomach. It wasn't too bad, but they figured sooner or later they'd have to find a bucket or toilet. They shivered at the feeling of a water droplet rolling down their face, it was cold and not helping the chills. Struggling to reach up, they gently touched a cold rag on their head. "Where..." They couldn't form a sentence as they curled up slightly, groaning softly and shutting their eyes tightly. They rolled onto their side and ditched the rag, curling up under the covers in an effort to stay warm. As the sick mess of a teen was groaning, they didn't hear the door being opened quietly.

"Oh my... Quick, someone let the Mistress know the child is awake!" A maid called out, shuffling feet could be heard down the hall. Walking into the room, the maid grabbed the rag and dipped it into a bowl of water. "Excuse me, dear, I need you to come out from under the covers." The woman sounded kind, plus (Y/N) was too tired to deny the request so they poked their head out. The maid offered a kind smile as they draped the damp rag on (Y/N)'s head. "How are you feeling?" She asked. "Mm..." (Y/N) looked to the side, not sure if they could even talk at this point. The maid hummed as she checked their temperature and checked the bandages on their head. "Try and be careful, you have a light cut on your head from where you fell." The maid informed, rubbing the kids head before walking off. (Y/N) stared for a bit before turning on their side, sighing. "Somehow I ended up back at the mansion... I need to leave, Mom might come back..." They pondered, closing their eyes.

The door opened soon after, making the half asleep teen jolt awake. "Oh, I'm sorry dear, I thought you were up. How are you feeling?" Bianca asked, moving over to crouch next to the bed. (Y/N) simply nodded, showing they felt alright. "Do you think you can eat something? Your stomach was growling earlier." Bianca hummed, a concern smile on her face. (Y/N) was very hungry, but they didn't think they could eat at the moment. "Dear, I really think you should eat something small. Maybe some crackers or soup?" The woman urged, not taking no for an answer. Noting the determined look on her face, (Y/N) sighed and nodded, moving to get up. "You really shouldn't be sta-" (Y/N) gently cut the woman off. "It's fine... I need to walk... Thank you for the concern...." Their voice was rough and weak, showing that they probably had a sore throat. "If you say so... Come along, I'll have the cooks prepare some food." Bianca held a hand out, (Y/N) shakily reaching out to grasp it. The two walked through the halls slowly, no noise besides Bianca humming.

Entering the dining hall, Bianca pulled a seat out for (Y/N) then walked off to tell the cooks what to prepare. Laying their head down on the table, (Y/N) let out a soft hum. "Are you feeling okay?" A voice asked, (Y/N) moving an arm to peer out of. Michael stood on the other side of the table, offering an amused look. "Fine... Thank you..." They mumbled, moving their arm back down. Letting out a chuckle, Michael moved over to rub the kids head. "I assume my wife wanted you to eat?" He asked, receiving a small nod. "She's just worried about you. The whole place is, really. Seems like you captured the hearts of everyone here." He teased, though he seemed to have a bit of seriousness behind the joke. "I appreciate the concerns... But I'll be fine... I need to find my mother soon..." (Y/N) groaned, closing their eyes. Michael gave a soft smile as he reached down to scratch their back gently. (Y/N) seemed to melt at the touch. "You know, you could stay here. Elise would be more than delighted to have you as a sibling, and Kristen would grow to care for you." Michael suggested, setting the plan in motion. Replaying the suggestion in their mind, (Y/N) slowly opened their eyes. "... I'm sorry..?" They asked, not being able to move.
-- manipulation, panic attack, vomit, and nails digging into skin --

Welcome To The Family (Obsessive! Mafia x Child! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now