Chapter 1: Visiting the Hospital! An Unexpected Surprise

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(A/N: Well, hello my fellow readers and followers. Here is chapter 5 of this story and with that said, let the reading begin.)

Summer P.O.V
Acouple Hours Earlier
Location: Patch

"At the home where Summer and Taiyang are at while their daughters are at Beacon and (Y/N) is on his mission with Summer slightly worried for him since he hasn't send any message or even called to tell everyone he's okay. Right now Summer is doing the dishes while Taiyang is outside, her scroll is going off getting her attention to see the number causing her to answer it...................
Summer: " Hello?"
Doctor: "Is this Summer Rose?"
Summer: "Yes this is her."
Doctor: "Ma'am, I'm sorry to inform you that your son is in the hospital."
Summer: *eye widen in sadness* "What? What happened?!"
Doctor: "He's in the hospital in Vale and he's in a comatose state."
Summer: "I'll be there."
Doctor: "Wait, Miss-"
.....................she hangs up before he could finish as she runs out the house to bump into Taiyang..................
Taiyang: "Woah, Summer what's wrong?"
Summer: "(Y/N)'s in the hospital."
Taiyang: "What?! Hang on I'll take us there."
...................she didn't wait as she ran to the transport to Vale, she quickly called Ruby before she arrives at the hospital...................

Location: Vale Hospital

...................Summer arrives at the hospital where a nurse guides her to the hospital room where (Y/N) is to see him with a breather on his face with a bandage around his head. She cries seeing her son in a hospital bed as she walked towards him, she sobbed while rubbing his head...................
Summer: "(Y/N), my baby boy what happened to you?"
????: "Your son is strong man, amazing in combat."
....................she looks up to see an old man sitting in one of the chairs in the room her son is in.....................
Summer: "Who are you?"
Maxwell: "My name is Maxwell Rhodes, but call me Max. So, you must be his mother?"
Summer: "I'm Summer, what happened to my son?"
Maxwell: "Your son was hit by a car, but it wasn't an accident. He was attacked by someone he went after during his mission, they wanted payback so they hunted him down and hit him with their car then drove off, whoever did it wanted him dead completely."
Summer: "I swear I will find out who did this to my son and they will pay for doing this to him!"
Maxwell: *chuckles* "A mother always cares for her child, but there is something you need to know that there is another piece of the puzzle from why he is hurt."
Summer: *looks at him confused* "What do you mean?"

3rd P.O.V

.....................Taiyang, Qrow, Yang, and Ruby arrives at the hospital to be taken to the room where (Y/N) is at, they walked in to see (Y/N) laying in the bed causing Yang and Ruby to go beside his bed...................
Yang: "(Y/N), are you okay?"
Ruby: "(Y/N)?"
Taiyang: "He's not going to respond girls, he's in a coma and he won't wake until his coma ends."
Yang: "How did he end up in a coma?"
Nurse: "Um, excuse me Mister Xiao Long. Your wife arrived here before you and she wants you along with everyone in the daycare room."
Qrow: *looks at her confused* "Wait, the daycare room."
.....................they follow the nurse to the room to see Summer standing there seeing her shoulder jump, they though she was crying so they approach her causing her to look at her and turn around to see that she isn't crying, but she is seen she's holding a baby boy about a year old looking at her smiling until he looks at them whining the moment he sees them as Summer comforted him.....................
Summer: *shushing* "It's okay, they're family. *points at Taiyang* That's your grandpa, Tai."
Taiyang: *eyes widen in surprise* "Grandpa?"
Qrow: "Wait, you mean this boy is (Y/N)'s kid?"
Summer: "Yes."
Ruby: "Then that means-"
Yang: "Me and Ruby are-"
Ruby/Yang: "Aunts?"
Summer: "That's right, his name is Rory. Rory, meet your aunts, Yang and Ruby."
....................Ruby approaches Summer to look at him causing Rory to look at her confused, she reaches for him poking her finger at him causing him to grab it and giggle melting Ruby's heart at his little giggle. Yang approached him getting his attention reaching for Yang with a smile on his face, Summer gives him to her as she held him causing him to giggle being held by his aunt.....................
Taiyang: "(Y/N)'s a father? Why couldn't he tell us?"
Summer: "Max will tell you what he told me."
Qrow: "Max?"
Maxwell: "Maxwell Rhodes, I found (Y/N) unconscious and called the ambulance to bring him to the hospital. He was hurt, but Rory had no injuries since (Y/N) took most of the hit from the car shielding his entire body to protect him."
Yang: "A car? He was hit by a car?"
Taiyang: "From how it was told it sounds like it wasn't an accident."
Summer: "It wasn't. Someone wanted (Y/N) dead and he held Rory when he got hurt causing him to be put into a coma, apparently (Y/N) must've encountered them during his mission and wanted him dead."
Qrow: *growls in anger* "Whoever it is, I'll make sure they pay for hurting him and was close to killing Rory!"
Rory: *whines in fear*
Summer: "Qrow, you're scaring Rory."
Qrow: "Sorry."
.....................they calm him down with Ruby patting his back which does calm him down, they left the hospital with Rory as he is sitting on the ground playing with baby toys Summer bought for him before returning home. Zwei runs at him barking getting his attention making him reach to pet him as Zwei licked his face making him giggle....................
Summer: "So cute." *looks down* (Y/N I promise I will take care of Rory until you wake up, and the moment when the ones who hurt you are revealed I will make them pay.) for Qrow he is headed to the place where (Y/N) was found thanks to Maxwell's info, he arrives to find the area trashed like a car went through along with blood on the ground. He looks to see more which showed the driver never stopped to check on him as he realized....................
Qrow: (Should've known from what Maxwell told us, it wasn't an accident. It was a hit-and-run.)
....................he arrives at Beacon Academy heading to Ozpin's office...................
Ozpin: "Qrow, what's wrong?"
Qrow: "In case you haven't heard Ozpin, (Y/N) is in a coma after being hit by a car."
Glynda: "What?!"
Ozpin: "Is he okay?"
Qrow: "Yeah, but like I said. He's in a coma and after arriving to the hospital I find out he's also a father."
Glynda: "Is the baby okay?"
Qrow: "Yeah, (Y/N) shielded him from the impact causing him to be in a coma, but I need the help from Vale police. I want to find this son of a bitch for what he did to my nephew and nearly killing his son as well."
Ozpin: "Okay, okay I'll see what I can do and get some help, but don't worry Qrow. Whoever did this to (Y/N) will pay for what they did."

Yang and Ruby P.O.V

....................after that Yang and Ruby returned to Beacon after arriving back from the hospital, but as the two slept they couldn't stop thinking about (Y/N) and their little Nephew Rory, they were beyond furious from hearing about what happened on who tried to kill their brother. They wanted to help find the ones, but it would be hard for them and they have school at Beacon to focus on, but they vowed to also help their family find out who tried to kill (Y/N) will pay."

To be continued.....................

(A/N: Well, that's the end of this chapter. If you enjoyed this let me know, and with that said, see y'all next time.)

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