Chapter 2: Rory Meets Everyone

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(A/N: Well, hello my fellow readers and followers. Here is chapter 2 of this story and with that said, let the reading begin.)

Ruby P.O.V

"At Beacon Ruby is sitting in her seat after a week of finding out her brother is in the hospital in a coma after being run over by a car and also finding out she's an aunt along with Yang. She wanted to hurt the one responsible for what happened to her brother, after that Ruby is in her dorm loading rifle bullets into clips and looking at the scythe blade making sure it's sharp until she heard a knock at the door which she opens to reveal Prof. Goodwitch.....................
Ruby: "Oh, hi Prof. Goodwitch."
.....................she looks in her arms and to her surprise is her little nephew Rory making her happy seeing him with a big smile on her face.....................
Ruby: "Rory! Hi there."
Rory: *giggles*
Goodwitch: "Miss Rose, your family had errands to do and has assigned you and Miss Xiao Long to watch over Rory until they're done."
Ruby: "Okay Prof. Goodwitch."
.....................she gives him to her along with the supplies, she sits in Weiss' bed holding him in her arms as he smiles looking at her.....................
Ruby: "Who's a good boy? You are! *he giggles* Oh, you're so cute."
.....................the door is heard opening causing her to look seeing her team walk in and the moment Yang looks at Ruby to see Rory in her arms he reaches for her as she smiles.....................
Yang: "Rory! *approaches him to pick him up making him giggle* What are you doing here?"
Ruby: "Goodwitch brought him, mom and dad had something to do."
Weiss: "Can someone explain what's going on? Who's Rory?"
Yang: "He's our brother's son making him our nephew, Rory we want you to meet our teammates. Weiss and Blake."

3rd P.O.V

.....................Rory turns his head to look at them, he reaches for them smiling which melted Weiss' heart at his smile. She holds him as he giggles reaches for her whisk she bounces him gently, Blake gently poke his stomach making him giggle. Ruby and Yang explains the story of what they know along with (Y/N) in the hospital.....................
Weiss: "I'm sorry to hear that, I can't believe someone would try to kill him while holding Rory. But, at least Rory isn't hurt."
Yang: "Me to. If he was hurt I'd make sure the ones who did it won't be walking."
Ruby: "We don't know how long mom and dad will be back, so we should hand out with him until then."
.....................a knock is heard getting their attention as their friends Nora and Pyrrha walks in.....................
Pyrrha: "Hey, sorry for intruding. But, Jaune was wondering of you four have-"
Nora: *gasps in happiness* "A baby!"
Pyrrha: *looks at Rory* "Aww."
Ruby: "Hi Pyrrha. Hi Nora."
Pyrrha: "Where'd this little guy come from?"
Yang: "He's our Nephew."
Nora: "He's so cute! Yes you are! Yes you are!"
.....................he giggles at the hyperactive girl being silly, Ruby and Yang talk them about (Y/N) and about him in the hospital.....................
Pyrrha: "Oh, I'm sorry to hear about that. At least Rory's safe with you and your family. *looks at him* He's so cute."
Nora: "Yes he is."
Blake: "My question is, what happened on his mission and who tried to kill him."

Summer P.O.V

......................after getting a tip from Qrow of where (Y/N)'s mission was at all three headed to that city to find out some information. They arrive to see everyone walking the streets as well cars going by as they looked around.....................
Taiyang: "This is a nice city, so this is where his mission was at?"
Qrow: "The exact location. We need to ask around for information on what happened on his mission."
......................they walk around asking people about (Y/N), but there wasn't much of anything anyone could tell, some people knew him, but knew nothing on his mission since it was classified to people. After that it's night time with Summer walking down the street until she sees Qrow walk in a bar making her shake her head, she walks in seeing with a glass in his hand as he drinks from it with a woman in her twenties standing on the other side of the bar.....................
Summer: "Qrow, what are you doing?"
Qrow: "Just taking a small break."
Summer: "By drinking?"
Qrow: "Look Summer, we haven't found out anything and I'm still sad about (Y/N) being in the hospital."
Summer: "But, we're wasting time-"
Bartender: "Wait, (Y/N)? You're his family?"
Summer: *looks at her* "You know my son?"
.....................they call Taiyang as he arrives sitting at the bar with Summer drinking a glass of water sitting at the bar.....................
Jasmine: "I guess introduction is in mind, I'm Jasmine Haas. I own this bar with my brother and father, they're busy with another bar in another location and they left me to tend to this bar. So, your (Y/N)'s family?"
Taiyang: "Yeah. We're here to find out what happened to him, he was hit by a car with the driver intentionally hitting him."
Jasmine: "Oh my goodness, is he okay?"
Qrow: "He's in a coma, that was a week ago. And now we're here to find out what happened."
Jasmine: "Poor (Y/N)."
Summer: "Did you know him personally?"
Jasmine: "He was here for about a couple months on a mission, he took care of some thugs that was cause trouble for me after drinking so much."

Jasmine P.O.V
Flashback-A Year Ago

.....................Jasmine is slowly getting ready to close the bar after a long day with some guys staying, she puts up.some cups while she got done cleaning them.....................
Drunk Guy 1: "Hey hot stuff, give us another round."
Jasmine: "Your four have had enough."
Drunk Guy 2: "Come on, just one more."
Jasmine: "I'm about to close and your need to leave, come back again."
Drunk Guy 3: "Oh come on, we'll pay more if you do."
Drunk Guy 4: "Maybe we can pay differently and more fun for all of us."
......................her eyes widen as she turns around with the guys jumping over the bar, she goes to run away only for two to grab her as she screams. They drag her to the bar to push her on it grabbing her outfit getting ready to do what they intend to do. But, they were interrupted with a glass being thrown at the guy's face shattering making him scream in pain.....................
Drunk Guy 1: "What the fuck?! Who did that?"
????: "The lady's not interested, so too what she says and get outta here!"
.....................she looks up to see a guy with black hair with red tips along with silver eyes standing there, they rush at him to attack. But, he easily takes care of them beating them with sweep kicking one of them making one of them crash onto the floor, he elbows one in the gut and threw him out the door, one of them rushes to him only to get elbowed in the head knocking him out, and finishes the last guy off to uppercut him flying in the air crashing into the wall. He brings out a shotgun like weapon scaring them off. He goes to her to help her up as she stood in front of him.....................
????: "Are you okay?"
Jasmine: "Yes, thank you. *looks at his weapon* You're A Huntsman aren't you?"
(Y/N): "Yes I am, my name is (Y/N) Rose."
Jasmine: "Oh, I like your name. My name is Jasmine Haas."

Summer P.O.V
Flashback Ends

Jasmine: "After that me and him became friends, he came here to hang out and when he got done with his mission be left. But, he promised to visit when he has the chance."
Taiyang: "That define sounds like him, always helping people in distress."
Qrow: "So, are you two just friends or did it get further than that?"
Jasmine: "Oh no, I already had a boyfriend at the time and he never made advances towards me. But, why ask a question like that?"
Summer: "When we arrived at the hospital, not only we found out he's in a coma; he's also a father."
Jasmine: *eyes widen* "What?! Is the baby okay?"
Qrow: "Yes, he's fine. No injuries."
Jasmine: "Oh thank goodness. I don't know much, but I think what happened might involve my boyfriend and his friends. There's rooms upstairs, you can sleep there until tomorrow."
Summer: "Thank you."
.....................they went to the rooms to lay down getting ready for tomorrow to talk to the friends of Jasmine's boyfriend as they know they're on the right track to find out what happened.....................

Raven P.O.V

.....................outside the building a woman looks in the window of Summer's room as she slept, that woman is Raven Branwen. She recently found out about (Y/N) and followed them to find out what happened to him."
Raven: (Y/N, I swear I'll kill whoever did that to you.)

To be continued.....................

(A/N: Well, that's the end of this chapter. If you enjoyed this let me know and with that said, see y'all next time.)

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