Chapter 4: A New Lead

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(A/N: Well, hello my fellow readers and followers. Here is chapter 4 of this story and with that said, let the reading begin.)

Ruby P.O.V

"After arriving in a village where their family is trying to find out what happened to (Y/N), Ruby and Yang walk through the village trying not to draw attention to themselves so their parents won't find out they're there. They walk around the city to find answers of what happened. They walked past a building until Ruby heard a conversation in the distance causing her to hide behind a corner seeing three guys wearing the same jackets.....................
Gang Member 1: " Hey did you hear? Three people came into town, one a Huntress and the other two Huntsmen. "
Gang Member 2: "Now that's problem again, but how is this worse?"
Gang Member 1: "Cause the Huntress has the same hair and eye color as the previous Huntsman that came here before them."
Gang Member 3: "What?! You mean that guy who drove almost everyone of us out of this village?"
Gang Member 1: "Yeah, him. Apparently someone drove their car to Vale and when it cams back there was dents and blood on the car. Someone must've killed him."
Gang Member 2: "Whose car?"
Gang Member 1: "It's one of the leaders, and there's only one here. And it's Sabrina who is here."
.....................her eyes widen after finding out that whoever tried to kill her brother she sneakily walks away to avoid detection, but she bumps into someone which she looks up seeing someone looking down at her with a confused face....................
????: "Wait, who are you and why do you look like Summer?"
Ruby: (Oh boy.)

Summer P.O.V

.....................after staying another day at the village, Summer is at the house with (Y/N)'s friends with Taiyang sitting in the living room. The door opens with Qrow walking in with everyone looking at him.....................
Summer: "Qrow, did you find out anything?"
Qrow: "I snuck in their warehouse and I found blood all over one the cars there. But, unlike the other cars they have there this one is different."
Kurt: "How different?"
Chuck: "Hey Summer. Can I ask a question?"
.....................she looks at him as he walked in and to her shock he wasn't the only one walking in, she sees Ruby causing her eyes to widen....................
Summer: "Ruby?!"
Ruby: *waves nervously* "Hi."
Taiyang: "What are you doing here?"
Chuck: "I bumped into her a little bit ago, I was confused why she looks like Summer. But, I see why."
.....................Chuck gets launched crashing into the ground with Yang appearing with her gauntlets activated with her in a fighting stance.....................
Yang: "Who do you think you are taking my sister here you perv?!"
Summer: "Yang?"
Yang: *looks at her, eyes widen* "Hey mom, dad, Uncle Qrow."
Taiyang: "Why are you both here? You should be at Beacon."
David: "Wait, they're your daughters? (Y/N)'s little sisters?"
Qrow: "Yeah."
...................they sit down with Yang and Ruby sitting on the other couch in front of them with the two looking down with David bringing in drinks.....................
Taiyang: "Okay. Now explain why you girls are here and not at Beacon? Because your girls are in big trouble."
Yang: "Why didn't you tell us you were coming here?"
Summer: "We didn't need to tell you because you have to go through Beacon right now."
Yang: "Well, it's not fair that we were left out not knowing what you were doing. (Y/N) is our brother and we refuse to sit around and not help out to finding what happened!"
Ruby: "Yeah! It's not fair."
Summer: "Girls we understand what you're feeling, but it's what we do. We know you want to help and we appreciate it and you have to understand the dangers."
Yang: "We understand. And we still want to help."
Taiyang: "Alright, alright. Enough of that we have to focus, Qrow what did you find out?"
Qrow: "When I snuck into their warehouse, I found the car that was used to run over (Y/N). It was the same color like the others, the only difference was the gold symbols on it."
David: "Gold?"
Summer: *looks at them* "You know what it means?"
Chuck: "Gold symbols on the cars is a sign of a leader of the gang, there's five in the group and I don't know who could it be. It could be any leader."
Ruby: "I think it's a girl named Sabrina."
Kurt: *eyes widen* "Sabrina?!"
Taiyang: "How do you know that?"
Ruby: "I heard a conversation from three guys wearing the same jacket talking about it, the car actually belonged to Sabrina."
Qrow: "Who is Sabrina?"
Chuck: "Sabrina is the daughter of one of the other leaders in the Silver Lions, she was the fourth to take lead and she is still here."
Kurt: "It was obviously her."
David: *eyes widen* "I think I also know the reason why."
Summer: "What?"
David: "One time (Y/N) got captured by the Silver Lions after being ganged on and kidnapped by them, we rescued him after that. But, it was a day later and I think she was forcing herself on him."
Qrow: *eyes widen in shock* "You don think-"
David: "Sabrina could be Rory's mother!"
Summer: "If she is the mother why would she try to kill (Y/N) and Rory? When (Y/N) was hurt why didn't she gets a chance to take Rory?"
David: "Cause she knew he would come here to get him back and you three would show up to save him."
Yang: "She's going to pay for what she did!"
Taiyang: "Yang, let's not get too hasty."
David: "No, she's right. She has to pay for hurting (Y/N) and could've killed Rory, we must come up with a plan and attack."
.....................they walk upstairs to their rooms to get ready leaving the family alone in the room.....................
Summer: "While we think of the plan, you girls will go back to Beacon-"
Ruby: "No! We're staying and helping!"
Taiyang: "Girls we understand what you're feeling, but-"
Yang: "We want to help! And we're not going anywhere, we're staying to help and that's final."
Qrow: "They're not going to stop, we might as well accept their help."
Summer: *sighs in defeat* "Okay. You girls can help, but after this we will try to talk to Ozpin not to give you two a hard punishment."
Taiyang: "Okay."
.....................smiles are seen on Ruby and Yang's faces knowing they are going to help them, Summer smiles herself knowing that her daughters care for their brother so much.....................

3rd P.O.V
Location: Vale Hospital the hospital in Vale where (Y/N) is in the hospital bed still in a coma with the nurse checking on him until she walks out the room. A portal opens up with someone walking in, the person looks at him until a hand rubs his head with the person revealing to be Raven looking at him with sympathy on her face seeing the guy she helped raising during her and her teams time at Beacon Academy like if he was her own son...................
Raven: "I hope you wake up (Y/N), Rory needs you right now. But, Summer and everyone are going to attack the Silver Lions tomorrow. And if they can't get close to Sabrina, then I will."
.....................she uses her sword to open a portal and walks through with murderous intentions in her mind for Sabrina did."

To be continued.....................

(A/N: Well, that's the end of this chapter. If you enjoyed this let me know and with that said, see y'all next time.)

A New Member of the Family?!: A RWBY x Male Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now