Chapter 3: The Meeting with the Group

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(A/N: Well, hello my fellow readers and followers. Here is chapter 3 of this story and with that said, let the reading begin.)

Summer P.O.V

"After meeting Jasmine in a bar and finding out that she's a friend to (Y/N), she called her boyfriend over to have a conversation to know what he was doing at the city. They sat in the bar waiting until the door opens to see a guy walk in.....................
????: " Are these them Jasmine? "
Jasmine: "Yeah, these are them. They're (Y/N)'s parents, this is my boyfriend Kurt."
Summer: "It's nice to meet you Kurt, I'm Summer. (Y/N)'s mother, this is my husband Tai and this is Qrow."
Kurt: "Now I see where he got the hair and eye color, it's nice to meet you. If you three follow me we can talk privately."
.....................they follow Kurt to a house with the moment they walked in they see three other guys sitting on couches watching TV until they looked at them.....................
Kurt: "Guys, these are (Y/N)'s parents. There guys are my friends, Chuck, David, and Tucker."
David: "It's nice to meet you three."
.....................they sat down as they brought drinks with the four sitting in front of them.....................
Kurt: "So, what brings you three here? Did (Y/N) tell you about us?"
Summer: "That's the thing, we didn't know about you until yesterday and we're here to find out what happened."
Chuck: "What happened? What do you mean?"
Qrow: "(Y/N) is in a coma."
Tucker: *spits out his drink* "What?!"
Kurt: "What happened to him?"
Taiyang: "He was hit by a car, it wasn't an accident either. It was a hit-and-run, someone tried to kill him and Rory."
David: "Rory?"
Summer: "Oh, Rory is his son."
Kurt: *eyes widen in shock* "He's a father? How is he now?"
Summer: "Rory is fine, he had no injuries."
Tucker: *sighs in relief* "That's good to hear. But, I just want to tear the head off the one who tried to kill them both! Whoever it was it going to pay!"
David: "Damn right!"
Kurt: "But, I just want to know. What did the car look like?"
Taiyang: "What?!"
Kurt: "If we want to find out what the car looks like so we can make sure we find it and the one who drove it almost killing him."
Qrow: "Oh, from the reports frm eyewitnesses the car color was a silver with red on the sides of the car with a black racing stripe in the middle from the front of the car to the back."
Chuck: *eyes widen in anger* "It was them?!"
Summer: "Wait, you know who did it?"
Kurt: "They're known as the Silver Lions, they're a gang that came here causing trouble for everyone in this village and we made a vow to make them leave. After a couple of months (Y/N) came here on a Huntsman mission and it was to know about them, he helped us save the village from them. But, knowing the Silver Lions they would want payback."
Taiyang: "Looks like we were right to come here."
Summer: "So, you also know my son?"
Kurt: "It was after the night he saved Jasmine from those four drunk bastards from the bar. We became good friends with him."
David: "But, after what happened to him it's personal now!"
Chuck: "Damn right it is!"
Qrow: "So, what's going to happen?"
Tucker: "There's still a little bit of the Silver Lion Gang here and just recently one of their cars just returned after a drive out of the village. I believe this one must be the own that ran over (Y/N)."
Qrow: "Where are they staying at?"
Kurt: "There's a big house with a warehouse next to it, that must be where they are staying at still."
Qrow: "Alright."

Yang P.O.V
Timeskip-Three Days Later

.....................Yang is sitting in the dorm in her bed with Rory while he watches a kid show on her scroll, it's been days since her family went somewhere. She was wondering where they went causing her to use a tracker to look for their scrolls; only to find out that they're at a village and it made her realize that they're somewhat involving (Y/N). It reaches until night time with Rory sleeping in his crib along with her teammates, she loads up on ammo with some in her gauntlets. She sneaks out gently closing the door making sure they're not disturbed in their sleep. She turns around to see Ruby standing behind her causing her to jump in shock.....................
Yang: "Ruby, what are you doing?"
Ruby: "I should be asking you the same thing, it must involve our parents being gone for days isn't it?"
Yang: *sighs* "They are at a village miles away from here, I'm not going to sit around and let them do what all of us should do; and that's get payback for what happened to (Y/N)."
Ruby: "Then I'm going with you."
Yang: "Ruby-"
Ruby: "Yang, I don't want to sit around either. I want to be payback for what happened to (Y/N) to, so I'm coming with you."
Yang: *sighs in defeat* "Alright. But, we need to hurry."
.....................they get on Yang's motorcycle with Ruby sitting behind her wrapping her arms around her waist as she drove off heading to the village where their parents are at.....................

Weiss P.O.V
Timeskip-Next Day's morning with Weiss waking up as she stretched and yawned after waking up, she gets outta bed until she looked at the bed on top of hers and Blake's to see Yang and Ruby gone. It confused her wondering where they would be until it was interrupted by a baby cry making her realize it's Rory, she runs to him gently picking him up to calm him down. He does as he looks at her smiling.....................
Weiss: (Wherever those two dolts are they're going to have a big explanation. But, Rory needs to be taken care of first.)

Qrow P.O.V
Timeskip-Night Time

.....................Qrow heads to where the Silver Lions Gang is staying at with him in bird form, he flies to an open window seeing four guys walk out causing him to turn back to his human form jumping down quietly to inspect the vehicles that are in the warehouse, he looks at them until he sees ken dented with dry blood stains on it. He knew it was the car that ran him over, he walks around it taking pictures of it as well a gold colored symbol on the sides of the car. The door opens causing him to turn into his bird form and flies out without being seen heading back to Kurt's house.....................
Qrow: (It was one of the members of that gang, but that car looks like it belongs to someone important of  the gang. It's time for some questions to be asked.)

Ruby P.O.V

.....................after a long drive from Vale to the village, Yang and Ruby arrives to park outside the village beside a building.....................
Ruby: "Why are we stopping here Yang?"
Yang: "If I park somewhere in the village our parents will  know we're here."
Ruby: "Oh."
Yang: "We lay low, find our parents and stay low until we find out what they know."
Ruby: "Okay."
.....................Yang hides her motorcycle where it won't be seen, her and Ruby walks into the village to join their parents to find out who tried to kill (Y/N) and Rory."

To be continued.....................

(A/N: Well, that's the end of this chapter. If you enjoyed this, let me know and with that said, see y'all next time.)

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