episode six(6)

100 11 14

"I'm fine," I replied khalid with a fake grin.
I'm just not a fan of hyping boys at school regardless of being friends with them. I'm just not that typa girl. I do hate learning, like the funny guys at school but I am not like them, those people are just too much! And jamila, the hyper queen, she loves hyping and greeting people for no reason, especially when I am around. How can you greet a person literally three times within seconds? I feel shy sometimes but anyways it is what it is! I am me and I love myself as I am, I'm not too bad right?

"Why are you smiling as if someone had promised you something?" Whispered jamila with a weird chuckle.

I pinched her on her shoulder, she smirked and whispered again, "he just said how are you not I want to marry you," I pinched her again, this time harder, so that she can stop the nonsense because khalid was standing infront of us and that's not right at all. She was talking mischievously and to be honest I didn't get what she was saying. I did feel a striking feeling when she muttered those words, but cared less!

I thought khalid was staring at us so I decided to check. I looked with the corner of my eyes and realised that he was not gazing. All his eyes were on the floor and he was kind of frozen like an ice bag. He seem to be a shy person and I like that personality.

"Sister Jamila, please wait here, I will bring seats for you," khalid said and walked inside.

"Sister, huh," I mumbled.
Wait, why did he call her sister? I don't like it at all. She's my sister, not his! I feigned jealousy.

Finally he left. I was tired of standing, talking or listening to jamila talk to him. Like I said before, I hate chit chatting with boys. It's weird and annoying. Jamila and I are waiting for khalid so I decided to just stand and shut my mouth up.

"Hey you go," khalid hollered from the door beside us. I took the chairs and said thank you. I passed the other one to jamila and we rested on them. Khalid left to greet the other guests while jamila and I browse idly on our phones. I replied all my messages and did everything necessary. I turned off my phone and looked up to talk to jamila. As I was in the process, I spotted a gentleman who looks exactly like khalid, I mean the beautiful eyes, their smiles, their cute beards and everything looks the same. I just couldn't differentiate between them. He was coming towards us running his hands through his hair. I tapped jamila to let her know that someone is coming.

"Cuzzo what's the problem?" Jamila asked.
"Who is he," I pointed a finger at him when he was already infront of us. I felt somehow embarrassed, Why would I even point at someone like this, huh?

"Sorry," I muttered.

"Oh you mean hasan, he's khalid's little brother," Jamila introduced......."hasan this is my counsin zahra," she added.

"Asalamualaikum sis, nice to meet you," hasan greeted.
"Waalaikumsalam, nice to meet you too," I greeted back, he smiled gently and took his seat on the chair next to jamila.

"Sister zahra," I looked up.

"You're matching outfits with my big bro, don't steal him woo, his too young," he mumbled and chuckled. Jamila gazed at me.

"I won't," I replied with a scornful laugh.
"Let me go get some refreshments ok," hasan offered.

We nodded and he walked towards the veranda. "I am so confused about the way people are approaching me today, why are they talking about khalid? And why does hasan think that I have a crush on his brother. I don't know where is this stupidity coming from but I have to solve it before khalid gets to know about it" I thought to myself. "Whoever is doing this needs to stop it and I am pretty sure that jamila is behind it. ugh! this girl always gets on my nerves." My mind when on getting wild.

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