episode ten(10)

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The graduation

"Out of all days you choose this day just to break me. Thank you zahra!" Ps jamal.

Zahra's POV

Today is the third week after jamal and I finished exams. It was pretty awesome but hectic. The math paper was a hot supper with pepper, I almost chocked when I saw the first question but alhamdullilah I did my best. I am very excited for the upcoming holidays and jamal's graduation tomorrow. So we'll be going for shopping after lunch. Speaking about lunch and all. Oh! Fanta coconut! I had left the gas on since forever. I hope the whole kitchen didn't burn.

"Za! your food is burning,"  jamal shouted striding towards the living room.
"What did I do again," I muttered throwing my phone on the couch. I tie my scarf and rushed to the kitchen with all the energy that I've left.
"Mom said a woman should always sit in the kitchen when cooking but you huh," he teased while I continue dashing. I didn't want to respond because I know he will make things worst for me.

I was so glad when I get to the kitchen. I found samira and my Freneny trying to sort things out. They're unlike jamal. They already clean the whole mess and samira was about to serve the food. The food was not too bad to eat except for the pie, almost all of it was burnt. I took the plates and placed it on the dining table while samira went and take the rest of the food. They all sat and I walked upstairs to call my little brother.

"Abdul hamid breakfast is ready. We already settled," I yelled at the back of the door while knocking.
"Don't play with me bro, open the door,"after so many knocks I realised that he was not there. I turned and went to mom's room. I opened the door which was not closed and I found him sitting. I guess he was in deep thought. I walked slowly to him and sat beside him but he was not gazing at me rather he was lowering his gaze as if I was his non-mahram. I didn't get it but now I did. He was crying! Like seriously! Abdul hamid is literally crying.

"Hey what's up," I asked but he didn't respond.
"I know you're crying but it's ok. Sit up and look at me," I reassured. He looked up and wiped his tears.
"What's wrong teenage boy," I exclaimed while teasing him a little bit.
"I miss mom," he responded and more tears started rolling on his cheek. This time I wiped it off myself and I put my hand on his shoulder to calm him down.

"I know Abdul hamid. I know we fight a lot but you don't have to worry I got your back ok," he smiled gently.
"Allah will never leave us alone, I promise. Trust him he's the best of planners," I reassured.
"Yeah alhamdullilah for everything. Anyways will you tell jamal to drop me at the hospital after breakfast," he asked.
"I will In shaa Allah. Let's go downstairs they're waiting for us," I hold his hand and we both walk towards the dinning room.

We went and sat on our various seats. Jamal kept staring at us but I didn't mine. I ate to my heart's content and went on to wash the dishes. I was done with the chores in just twenty minutes. I went upstairs prepare and get back to the living room. I realised that they all went out so I did the same.

Jamal dropped our little siblings to mom. We went inside to check on her for few minutes afterwards we drove to the mall leaving the kids behind. The reason we didn't stay that much in the hospital is that yesterday was our turn to visit mom and we did so today we're giving space for our younger siblings to stay with her.

"Jamal! what are you looking at," I asked in frustration.
"Gurl!! Chill you're nagging too much," he teased. I unhang the skirt he was staring at so badly and placed it on his arms. I pushed him lightly towards the dressing room.
"Ok, ok miss slow down. I will try it out," he feigned innocence. I sat and waited for him. I didn't know what to do but I laterfigured out. listening to the quran, He came out in few minutes looking all gentle and handsome except for the hair lol.

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