episode nine (9)

89 10 3

Jamal's POV

"Jamal wake up" my little sister zahra wake me up for the ninth time. She always loves troubling people and when you pay back trouble comes!
"Ain't you going to have your first paper today?" She shouts in irritation. I tossed on my bed twice. Immediately zahra's words started ringing in my mind. I jumped from the bed and walked towards the bathroom not minding that she was around. I took bath with cold water to wake myself up, brush my teeth and dressed up quickly for school.


"Are you set?" I asked
"If I wasn't I wouldn't stand here," she replied rolling her eyes around. I looked at her in frustration. She smirked and pout.

"Whatever, where's the boys and samira?" I questioned.
"They're standing on top of your head waiting," she flutter her eye lashes teasingly. Knowing that she will speak blunders again. I picked my bag, car keys and rushed downstairs whiles she fled after me. I reached to the front door breathing heavily as if I've never breathed before. Seeing zahra sprinting on the stairs. I called my siblings and we all walked out. We boarded the car and I start the wheel.

We reached to the school almost ten minutes before paper starts. Excitingly is because our school was not that far from home. I usually take that as an advantage to sleep anyhow I want. It's risky but awesome. I'm always late when I overslept but I still have the audacity to repeat my lovely mistakes! Ha! We are bound to make mistakes right? The funniest thing is that when ever I'm late, everybody is late because I normally drove them to school. I deliberately took that as a strength to annoy zahra when ever she gets on my nerves. I'm two years older but she never gave me brother vibes. She always says that she's more mature than me and that is a hella no! Oh meinnn! 'What the heck is wrong with my sister!!' I can understand that she loves fulfilling responsibilities but that doesn't mean she should act like our mother. It annoys me alot and I can't do nothing about it.

"Hey may you come out with flying colours likkle," I said, standing at the entrance.
"The same dummy," she replied mockingly.
"That was not nice at all. Anyway Yasir told me he had transferred to this school. He's coming over after school. Be ready with the veil," I said fluttering my eye lashes with a plastered smirk on my handsome face. She rolled her eyes at me. I began to widen my smirk more and more.

"First of all I'm not dumb like you and secondly you can't annoy me. So save it for your future. I mean when you guys get married or do you want me to mention her this morning? Sure you need it." She speaks her heart out in one breath. I began to blush all of sudden. 'Damnnn what Is wrong with me? Man up bro' my mind ordered.
"Oh sorry for the disturb. I'm pretty sure that right now you're lost in eight hundred and fifty five cloud! Sarcastically. So please get over it. Have a good day with your stupid final exams. Bye bro," she waved her hands at me plastering a huge smirk on her face. I didn't know what to respond because she won. I just smiled and turned away from her and she did thesame. We both ended up going to class without talking.


Alhamdullilah time goes on very fast. We did our first paper already and I am  now relaxing on my bed with my best friend Yasir. I've missed him so much. I thank Allah that now we are in the same school. At least I got someone to chat with whose the same age as me unlike before. I guess I'm the shy type because I never move with my age mates at school. They love swaggering around and I am the opposite. Don't get me wrong. I dress well and all that but still I hate it when it comes to the word 'swaggering at school'. I know y'all will think that I'm too handsome to move with them but oh well.....thanks. atleast I have khalid and Yasir. I think they are enough right? Oh dang! How can I forget my own brother? Hamid ibn Abdullah Amir. The weirdest person ever. One day he's calm and the other day the opposite. I'm being honest right now but seriously I can't understand my own brother. I sometimes think  of him as Mr weirdo.

married at 16Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora