episode seven(7)

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Zahra's POV

"Listen up class," Mr Aman walked in and stood infront of the class to make us settle down. We all became silent as soon as we saw him. He cleared his throat and said, "We'll be having assignment test on Thursday in shaa Allah. I want y'all to write a poem. Let it be atleast ten lines long and yeah it's your choice, you can choose any topic that you wish, so please don't let me down," he exclaimed with all seriousness.

"It's a test remember! Twenty five percent of your final exam. I know you guys wouldn't miss it unless you want to stay for summer," he added and left. The whole class started grumbling about the test. I spotted khalid reading at the corner but I couldn't bare seeing him. I felt like he wants to be my distraction but I won't allow that. I'm too young to be distracted with this foolish issue of love.

The bell rang and we went out for break. I walked straight to the cafeteria to get something for my little tummy. I went alone because jamila was not with me. Probably she's still at the principal's office. Seriously they both are very talkertive, I mean Mr-be-serious with jamila. I always pray that when ever I talk to jamila, I should be in the best state because when I'm not in the mood seriously, I'm not in the mood! Talking about mood and everything, my mood depends on the type of person i mingle with. Maybe that's the main reason why I can't have many friends. I feel sad sometimes but who cares? I have jamila and she's enough for me.

Oh Allah please grant me patience.

I took some unhealthy food from the cafeteria, grabbed cocktail drink and went on to find somewhere to sit. You might be wondering why unhealthy food? Yeah that's all we have here, simple snacks and drinks. Actually it's not that bad though. I saw an empty chair beside the door to the hallway. I walked towards it and sat comfortably. Finally I saw jamila coming towards my direction. She came, sat restfully and started eating my snack. I looked at her but she just noded and sighed.

"Girl you missed a lot today," she said while forming a smile on her face. She'd better be saying something serious. She's never serious. She always loves joking around like a little kid but admist all that, she wants everybody to smile even when she's not happy. She has a golden heart. "Calm down!" I tried to calm my guts. Well I know she's coming to say gibberish but let's just try and listen. Probably boy-faning, if that make sense.

"What hap--," she cuts short.
"Well, their's this guy name Yasir, damnnn! You won't understand," she grinned shrugging her arms infront of me.

See that's what I was talking about. Jamila is just a human version of a parrot. She always fan-boys when she's with me and I hate that attitude of hers. "Can't she talk about her beauty?" I thought to myself.

"Oh" I replied with a scornful sigh she glanced at me and groaned. I can't help but reply with one word because I'm already exhausted for the lesson I'm coming to have with Mr-wanna-be-a-perfect husband! Math is very tiring especially when the teacher is boring. He wastes almost half of our math period talking about his wife. As If we are learning to be matchmakers.

Speaking of matchmakers. Those people don't know what they're doing. Allah is the best of all planners. Oh Allah please grant us consciousness.


Alhamdullilah school went on very fast. Jamila and I came home two hours back. We already prayed asr and were now sitting in the living room, chatting. Thank God I was not sitting alone if not I'd have been daydreaming about lots of stuff. Example khalid's issue and how much I miss my family. This was the main reason why I hate being alone. I know I'm sounding all cliché and cheesy but that's the fact.

"Zahra what's wrong? I know you're not alright so please don't think of lying to me. I have observed you all these days," she exclaimed with the 'I will try to understand' look on her face. What am I supposed to do? Should I tell her the truth? Yeah she deserves it. She never hides anything from me. I was being so selfish. Give in, Zahra! I was trying to put everything in place with the guilt all over me. I shouldn't have hidden this from jamila.

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