2: Mask of Smiles

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I really didn't want to get up today, I didn't want to go to school. I still felt sore and traumatised from the events that happened yesterday, I cried myself to sleep last night. I dragged myself out of bed, and to the bathroom splashing some water on my face to help wake myself up. "Morning kid." Plagg said eating a piece of Camembert. "Morning Plagg."

I picked out my usual jeans and shirt but decided to wear a white and grey hoodie with it as it was going to be chilly today and grey converse. I looked at the time and realised I had to be in school in 45 minutes, so I quickly tidied my hair and grabbed my bag, Plagg getting into the pocket of my hoodie. I went downstairs to the dining room, there I saw father drinking his coffee and looking at a tablet.

"Adrien, you should be heading to school." My father said, I obeyed with a nod "yes father." I sneakily took a croissant and left the room, stuffing the pastry into my mouth. I ended up walking to school, because Gorilla and Natalie weren't available to give me a lift today, but on the bright side I get the see my friends on the way to school.

"Hey dude! What's up?" Greeted Nino when I walked up the steps of the building. "Hey." I said, as we did our handshake Nino looked at me and said "dude you look tired. Are you alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine, just stayed up too late last night getting homework done," I responded, I felt bad that I had to lie but what choice do I have, if I told him what really happened I won't have a home anymore, I'll be in foster care and I really don't want that. Besides I'll only have to put up with father for three and half more years before going off college. I'll be fine.

"Ok whatever you say dude."

We entered the classroom and made our way to our seats, Chloe giving me the usual mean glare she does now ever since we had a falling out over a film she wanted to be the main star in, I told her if she doesn't start being nicer to others including my friends, then we can't be friends. She told me I was no longer her 'Adrikins' in other words best friend. Saying I was ridiculous and nothing to her. So yeah now she hates me.

"Well, well if it isn't Adrinothing." She snickered as she towered over me and Nino, "what do you want now, ChloeCunt." I said getting a lot of people going 'ooohhh' and 'burnnn' at Chloe in the background. "I'll make you regret ever speaking to me that way." She said. "Oh what are you going to do? Call your Daddy on me and tell him I answered you back. Coward." I said with confidence. Her mouth hung open for a bit but then she grabbed her water bottle, opening it "let's how you like when Miss sees someone has pissed their pants."

Just when Chloe was about to pour water down my jeans, Miss Bustier came in and saw what Chloe was about to do. "Chloe Bourgeois stop what your doing this instant!" She yelled as Chloe froze, "Miss he started it!" Chloe said.

"Enough Chloe! Principal's office now!" Miss Bustier said, "don't you know who I am, I'm the Mayors daughter and I'll.."  chole got cut off by Miss Bustier again, "I don't care if your father is the mayor, it gives you no excuse to mistreat others and expect to get away with it, now do as your told! Go to the Principal's office now!"

Chloe growled in anger and grabbed her bag, stomping out the classroom, "Ridiculous! Utterly Ridiculous!" Slamming the door behind her. Yes peace at last! Wait where's Marinette?

"Now that's out the way, let's start by taking the register."

Five minutes after taking the register, Marinette rushes in. "Marinette Dupain-Cheng, you are five minutes late." Miss Bustier said as Marinette caught her breathe "sorry I'm late, I was helping my parents get the bakery ready for opening and got carried away."

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