6: Disrupted Plans and Visitation

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Hours later...

I woke up feeling sore all over, it happened again and this time I was unconscious during it. My head was still spinning as my vision got a bit clearer. "Finally. You're awake, thanks to you I was able to make a solid €500. Now get dressed and leave so this place can be cleaned," Father ordered as I quickly got dressed and hurried out, my head now pounding as I laid down on my bed.

"Kid, are you alright?? It happened again, didn't it? I swear I'm gonna destroy them with my cataclysm.." Plagg said then saw how emotionally distressed I was, he was then hugging my shoulder. "Never mind, your clearly not ok. I'm here for you, I'm not going anywhere," he added as I felt him hug my shoulder tight with his little arms.

"I'm scared Plagg...it happened again and at what cost. He only cares about the money not his child," I cried wiping my eyes. "I'm sorry to hear that kid, but you must stay strong. Remember you are Chat Noir and Chat Noir never lets anyone break him, you are stronger than you think," Plagg said giving me a reassuring hug on my shoulder.

"just so you know, I love you kid," he said then hugged my cheek. "I love you too, Plagg," I responded and we remained like this for a while till I felt stable enough to stand up and take a shower.

The next following day....

It's time to put my plan into notion, I made a fake replica of the peacock miraculous down to every single detail so hopefully Gabriel won't notice the difference and it'll give me enough time to repair the broken miraculous. Fortunately for me today, I'll be finishing around dinner time, after Gabriel goes for dinner, it'll give me the perfect opportunity to quickly go into the storage cupboard and swap the peacock miraculous for the fake one.

Once I have it, I can then get back to my apartment and begin my work on repairing it. But however getting to the basement will be a challenge, maybe I can do it when Gabriel goes to eat or is out. As I was driving through the gates, I noticed the mansion doors were open and that's when I saw Amelie and her son Felix aka Adrien's cousin, along with them was four suitcases.

"Um sir, what is going on here?" I said closing the door behind me as I entered. "Amelie and I happen to have some important business together, she and Felix will be staying with us for the next two to three weeks," Gabriel responded the. Seeing him walking down the hallway, checking a lock on a door down there.

I saw Felix peeking at this and soon a curious frown appears on his face. "Now Natalie show them to their rooms," he said then trailed off seeing Felix going upstairs in the direction of Adrien's room, this made him worried as he said, "Felix, your room is downstairs."

Felix didn't respond and walked right into Adrian's room, I followed and that's when he and I both saw Adrien lying on the bed half dressed holding his head.

"Oh there you are dear cousin," Felix said in his usual tone, Adrien groaned as he turned round, his eyes went wide as he saw Felix standing over him.

"Felix?! What are you doing here?"

"Felix and his mother are going to be staying for about three weeks. His mother and your father have some important business to attend to." I said then realising that 'the sessions' Gabriel had planned for Adrien would have to be put on hold. I mean surely with this secret business he wouldn't do it with Amelie and Felix in the house would he?

In some ways I'm relieved that there's a high chance nothing will happen to Adrien for the next three weeks, let's just hope Gabriel doesn't find other ideas on resuming these plans.

"Come on now Felix, I need to show you to your room," I said leading him out.

Something fishy is going on here and whatever it is, I'm going to find out. Uncle is hiding something and Adrien seems off, I'm going to get to the bottom of this.

Time skip.....

I was about to get washed up for dinner when I suddenly heard some footsteps coming from upstairs. I quietly snuck around and saw a strange man, walking into Adrien's room.

I waited a minute to just see him walking out with Adrien in his arms?! I blinked twice and saw it was in fact Adrien being carried wrapped up in a sheet, he was almost unconscious as I heard him mumble;

'Please...I don't want to...no, no...."

They disappeared into the hallway and to a room which I followed quietly. As I went in I saw they weren't here. Odd.

Must be a secret passage way or something.

I have to know why that man was here and what is he doing with Adrien.

I walked back to my room, contemplating on what I just saw and how I can come up with a plan to find out what's going on.

Don't worry Adrien, I'll soon find out what's going on and free you from it.

My plan is working perfectly, I waited for Gabriel to leave the office and go to dinner. As soon as I heard him enter the other room, I quickly made my way over to the cupboard, where I found the broken peacock miraculous.

I took out the fake replica from my pocket as I took the real one and placed the fake one in it's place. Slipping the real one into my pocket as I closed the cupboard and went back to my desk and continued going over files and paper work.

Don't worry Adrien, it won't be long now. Just hang in there.

Dinner time came and Adrien is nowhere to be seen. Gabriel on the other hand didn't seem at all bothered by his son's absence. Just as we were about to eat, the door opens and incomes Adrien and my he looks drained.

"Ah cousin. Made it just in time for dinner." I said as he nodded and sat down. His face looked a little red as his eyes looked tired.

What happened to him? I need to know.

His quietly hissed in pain as he sat down, which got my mums attention.

"Adrien, are you alright?" She said in concern as Gabriel sighed, "Adrien is fine, he just had an accident in gym class about two days ago. Isn't that right son?" He said signalling Adrien to agree.

"Umm yes of course, I fell over during dodge ball in gym class," he said as Gabriel slightly nodded and we began to eat. Adrien mostly picked at his food, usually he'd be almost finished but this time he barely ate anything.

I swear Gabriel is hiding something and I'm going to expose him for it once I do.

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