12: Happily Never After?

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Time skip....
A week later.......

Time hasn't been very kind to Adrien. In the past week, Adrien had been falling behind badly in school as his grades had fallen to the bottom, but what doesn't help is being used as an item for the pleasure of strangers in his father's 'business' which had now been happening most days and hours of the week. His escape from this living nightmare is when he dreams at night remembering the bright colourful memories of when his mother was around.


Snuggled up in a blanket whilst resting on his mothers lap, as she read him a story. A favourite which was Rapunzel, an all time classic fairy tale about a young girl aged 18 trapped in a tower by the wicked witch.

"Rapunzel, Repunzel. Let down your hair. Said the wicked witch as Rapunzel let down her long braid, as the witch began to climb," Emilie read as she turned the page on the book, as her son coughed his cat plushie.

"You foolish girl! Yelled the witch after finding out that Rapunzel let in a Prince and was planning on running away with him after discovering a ladder woven with silk which the prince had been bringing her on every visit he made. The witch grabbed a pair of scissors and began cut off  Rapunzel's beautiful hair!  Soon her long braid laid in a heap on the floor, Rapunzel cried but the witch wasn't done yet. 'As for your punishment, you will be banished to a place where your beloved prince will never find you.' And with a quick spell, Rapunzel was banished to a swamp far far away," Emilie read as Adrien her five year old son, snuggled his head on her chest.

She continued, "the Prince called out his lover's name, 'Rapunzel, Rapunzel. Let down your hair!'  The long braid came tumbling down, hanging from the window. But as soon as he reached the top, he wasn't greeted by his beautiful Rapunzel but instead, the evil witch. 'What have you done with Rapunzel!?' The Prince exclaimed in shock, the witch laughed as she said, 'I have banished your beloved to the the swamp far far away from here, you'll never see her again!' And before he knew it, the witch unhooks the braid causing the Prince to fall down, hitting a bush of thorns which broke his fall but the rose thorns had gotten into his eyes, blinding him." She read as she turned the page, continue it into the next part.

"The witch laughed as the Prince fell but soon realised something. She had unhooked the braid which was hanging out the window, she no longer had a way of getting out of the tower. She was trapped, forever. The witch soon realised this, causing her to break down on the floor. As for the Prince, he spent many months searching for his Rapunzel, he had to rely on a stick for guidance along with the descriptions of locals he encountered, asking if they had seen a young girl with golden hair and green eyes."

"Will the Prince find her?" Adrien asked, as Emilie sighed kissing the top of his head, "well I don't know, I guess we'll have to see," she said as she read on;

"As he trudged through the never ending swamp, he heard a tune which sounded familiar, so he followed the sound. The sound got louder as he got closer, then hearing voice that he hadn't heard in a long time. 'Prince Hans!' Cried Rapunzel as she hugged him tight, as the Prince hugged back, crying happy tears. Her tears fell into his eyes, making him blink twice before realising, he can see again! Together, they made it out of the swamp and back to the kingdom, where Rapunzel and the Prince got married and lived happily ever after. The end," she finished closing the book.

"So they love each other and live happily ever after, mummy?"

"Yes my little honeybun, they live happily ever after. After all Rapunzel did get her freedom in the end and the witch got her karma," Emilie said cuddling her son. From then on she tucked him into bed and kissed him good night.

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