16: Unfolding Secrets and Emotional Blackmail

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I was back in my room as I began getting the draft ready to send Nino, labelling it as; 'Gabriel's Journal of Secrets.' And pressed send.

I have just received an email from Felix titled; 'Gabriel's Journal of Secrets' which I immediately clicked on and was presented with pictures of pages containing all sorts of notes and rather disturbing depictions, mostly of...wait! Is that a picture of Adrien tied down into a sex position?! Oh man, his father is even more fucked up than I thought...he keeps records of all the events and goes as far as to draw illustrations of it.

I read though the notes on each page, gagging mentally as I discovered that Gabriel had been planning this for a very long time, before Adrien had even stepped foot in school. This is because he dated each note exactly when each event occurred. Talk about an organised psycho.

This is a new can of worms, I honestly wonder what else could be in this journal. What else are you hiding Gabriel Agreste?

I transferred the new evidence to the flash drive, backing it up. Now all I can do is hope that Felix can get a confession out of Gabriel sooner or later, because right now this is looking very good, all it needs is a live confession to back it all up.

When I next see Adrien in school, I think I'm going to give him a big hug, as my way of assuring him that everything will be ok.

Gabriel has been harassing me for weeks. Demanding that I give him more and more clients for his sketchy and utterly ridiculous business, I can't imagine that I am part of the reason why Adrien is being destroyed mentally and physically. His blackmailing towards me has gotten worse.

Gabriel even threatened to frame me for drug addiction, which I know for sure will make my parents disown me if they found out their perfect daughter was doing drugs. Especially drugs like Herion or Cocaine. My mother would tell me I'm unexceptional and daddy would just kick me out without a word.

I'm scared and don't know what to do in this situation. If I tell anyone, and Gabriel finds out, he'll definitely ruin my life with his lying schemes.

G: so have you got what I asked for?

C: yes...found about 20 new clients, all from wealthy backgrounds...please don't hurt him

G: Hmm very good, I'm satisfied with that. And I wouldn't dream of it...only if you fail me. Now I want double the next time we talk.

C: what? But that'll take forever, I need more time...

G: refuse and you can kiss your wealth and family goodbye. In case you forgot, I have contacts that can make it happen.

C: I'll see what I can do...just don't hurt him

G: good. But I'll be the judge of that

He hangs up, leaving me shaking...I'm screwed...as much I don't want to, I haven't got a choice. With shaky hands, I began to message some of the potential clients on a private chat room. Within moments, I instantly got responses from all of them, forwarding their contact info which I listed into a folder and repeated  the process. It's only half the number of what Gabriel asked for, and he wants it by next week which is only four days away, at this point if I can't get the exact number, my life could potentially be ruined.

I laid there, shaking from all the events that happened earlier. This time father was watching the whole time and even filmed it too, his excuse being that he wanted to show potential clients a preview. Of course he edited it in a way that it looks like I'm not bothered by what's going on, how I know this? Because not too long ago, he came into my room with a tablet in hand and showed me the video, which made me sick.

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