Re-Write up on AO3 and Wattpad!

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Hey everyone!

You read that title right! I'm re-writing this story on AO3 and publishing that to Wattpad as well!! I chose to do this for multiple reasons but the main one being I don't want to change the story more than I already have but I do think it's time to re-visit and add scenes that I didn't wrote back then.

I wrote this story back in 2016/2016 in my freshman year and now I'm about to be in my sophomore year of college so I feel my writing has changed a lot.

Wattpad won't let me add the link for some reason. 🥴 So please check out Bresis on AO3 and check my profile for the re-write here!!

Thank you all so much for your continued support and comments. I read everyone single one and I love you all!!

~Briz ❤️

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