Perfectly Peachey.

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It had been about two weeks since everything happened with the league, Wally and Artemis were officially now together my heart breaking every time they kissed.

Mom had caught on to how I was feeling that very first night, but since Wally had been so busy with Art it gave me the perfect opportunity to work on my powers. I was getting much better at flying, I could actually land now thanks to Superman and Wonder Woman helping. My fire powers weren't so easy though. I was still having trouble getting them to come when I want, but I do have really good aim.

"Brea I think that's enough for today." Mom said, I nodded and landed.

I walked back to the team, "Hey guys." I smiled. Robin was talking to Zatanna, M'Gann and Conner were talking, Kaldur went back to Atlantis for a little bit, Rocket was out with Icon, Wally and Artemis were flirting.

I sighed and turned around walking out of the main room to the kitchen. I sighed and opened the fridge taking out the whipped creme.

"Brea do not eat that." Mom sighed. I groaned.

"Can I go home then?" I asked.

"Why don't you hang out with Wally or the rest of the team?" She asked.

"Because, I don't wanna see Wally and Artemis plus every time I try to ask him to hang out he blows me off!" I yelled.

"That's not true." Wally scoffed, the rest of the team behind him.

"Yes it is Wally!" I yelled.

"No! All you do now is train, I don't wanna hang out with someone whose obsessed with trying to figure out the powers they have. I mean you already have the canary cry, you have great archery skills. It's good enough for your mom and dad. Why not you?!" Wally yelled. My eyes widened at him, he's never been this rude about my powers before.

"My bad Wally! Did you think I wanted this? Do you think I wanted to get kidnapped by Vertigo and get immersed in flames until it gave me this! I hate it! But you can't seem to understand that I am trying to make light of this!" I yelled, Mom placed a hand on my shoulder. I looked down and saw my hands were building up to shoot off what we're calling a solar flare. I took a few deep breaths. "Wally, maybe we shouldn't be friends anymore. If that's all you think of me." I snapped and walked out and walked home.


Once I was home I grabbed the cookie dough ice cream and walked up to my room. I pulled out my laptop and started watching old home movies of Wally and I.

My phone started ringing and I sighed and answered not looking at the caller ID. "Hello?" I asked.

"Brea, the team has informed me that you and Wally are no longer friends." Kaldur asked. Word sure got around fast.

"Yeah, we're not." I sighed looking at the video of Wally and I when we were little playing in the pool in my backyard. I smiled sadly as I started to tear up.

"I have already talked to your mother and father along with my king. Come down to Atlantis for a little while." He suggested.

"Kaldur I can't breathe under water." I told him wiping my eyes.

"I have a way around that." He told me.

"I don't know Kal. I appreciate the offer but I think it's best for me to stay here." I sighed.

"I understand Brea, but the offer will still be on the table." He added.

"Hey, what would say tell me if I was going to leave the team?" I asked. I heard Kaldur sigh.

"Well Brea, if it is what you need to do then do it. But you will always have a spot there. You are Unreplaceable." Kaldur told me, I nodded even though he couldn't see me.

"Okay thank you Kaldur, have fun in Atlantis."

"I will, Goodbye Brea."

"Good bye Kaldur." I smiled and hung up. I got up out of bed and walked to the zeta tube.

Kid Canary B-06

Everyone turned to look at me, even the league was there. I sighed and walked over to the computer. I began typing making me retired, so if needed I could still use the zeta tubes. I also encrypted the file with a virus so they couldn't change it.

"I'm leaving the team." I announced quietly. I slowly walked out, before entering the zeta tube.

Kid Canary- Retired.

I knew once they heard it Robin would go try and find it. But I knew he'd see the encryption and wouldn't try. I pulled up another home movie and saw that it was Wally and I after not seeing each other for so long. We were only about four or five and I had on a little dress and Wally had on little overalls. Mom set me down and turned me around and I saw Wally. I went running towards him calling out his name. When I hugged him I crashed into him and we fell. We were laughing so hard. I smiled and closed my laptop placing it on my night stand.

I got up closing the ice cream and putting it in the freezer. "Brea?" I heard Wally ask.

"What do you want Wally?" I asked turning around.

"You retired." He stated.

"You're right, I already have so much, so why do I need more? Plus I've always wanted to lead a normal life. So why not start now?" I explained.

"Brea you're being ridiculous, you can't honestly tell me that you still have the same dreams from when you were seven! Even I've changed my mind!" Wally asked.

"Wally this is why we can't be friends anymore, look at us were fighting like an old married couple! We've just grown apart, so far apart that we can't fix it." I sighed sitting in a chair.

"Brea listen to yourself, you didn't think this before Artemis and I started dating! Are you judging her because of her family?" Wally questioned.

"No Wally! Why would I be judging Artemis!" I yelled.

"Maybe because you're a spoiled brat that has a rich daddy and mommy!" Wally suggested.

"How could you even say that! You know that's not true sure my dads rich but that doesn't mean I go around judging everyone!" I shot back.

"Sure, like you even care if you're on this team or not." Wally rolled his eyes. "Like you even cared about any of us."

"Get out!" I yelled. "You have no right to talk to me that way or tell me who I care about! You are a jerk! Get out Wally!" I screamed. Wally stormed out and slammed the door before going up stairs to my room and looking around.

The light grey color of my walls were decorated with old Polaroid pictures of Wally, mom, dad, there was even some of the team. I had the twinkling lights and my bed was currently messed up. I looked at the quote on my wall. Tell me how to feel like when we were young. I broke down and started crying. I just lost my best friend, someone I thought I would never lose.


I felt my self being picked up and opened my eyes seeing dad. "Hey sweetie." He smiled as he laid me in bed and smoothed out my hair. He kissed my forehead.

"Go to sleep okay?" He told me softly. I nodded and closed my eyes.

Wow that was drama filled! But Wally and Brea aren't friends anymore 😁 I kinda can't believe that I wrote this in one sitting ether but I'm so excited to write some stuff that's coming up. You guys have no idea! Hope you enjoyed vote, comment. ~Briz❤️

Fallin' for the Speedster || Wally West|| #Wattys2017Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon