When we were young..

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3rd Person.

(Ages 5 and 6)

"Brea and Wally sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" The little girls cheered as Wally pushed the younger one on the swing.

"Wally, make them stop!" Brea whined, pouting as she did.

"Girls leave them alone." Ms.Roberts, there kindergarten teacher, told them in a gentle tone. She turned and smiled at Brea and Wally before walking away.

"People always do that." Brea sighed crossing her arms as she slowed down. Wally took the swing next to her.

"Do what?" The clueless red head asked.

"They always smile at us, like they know something about us we don't! I'm suspicious." She told him narrowing her eyes at the teacher. Wally pushed Brea side ways snapping her out of her glare. "Ooh I'm tellin'!" Brea teased as she got up. Wally's eyes widened at the small blonde who was slowly making her way to tell Ms.Roberts.

"Brea no! I'm sorry I won't do it again!" Wally yelled grabbing her wrist. The small girl turned and smiled widely at her fiery haired friend.

"Promise Wal?" She asked smirking, Wally sighed because he could never say no to this girl.

"Promise." He said reluctantly. Brea smiled and hugged her best friend.

(Age 9 and 10)

Brea was doing her homework when her mother came bolting down the stairs in her Black Canary uniform, the same with her father in his Green Arrow outfit.

"Mom, Dad?" She asked, Dinah came over and kissed her forehead.

"We have to go uncle Flash called for all of us." She explained as she walked away. "Bed by 10!" She called as they left. Brea sighed as slumped in her chair.

Now don't get her wrong, Brea loves having superhero parents. She practically lived in the 'Hall of Justice' and watchtower. She's grateful that she's not like Dick, Batman's sidekick who he adopted because his parents died. Brea loved her mom and dad, she just wished they were around more. Most parents aren't super but no, Brea was blessed and cursed you could say. Her life since day one has always been in danger but she knew anyone who dare try to lay a finger on her would suffer both Green Arrow and Black Canary's deepest rage.

She looked at the time and saw it was only 8:17 so she decided to call Wally and see if he could help her with this damn math homework that she was going to ask her mother to help but duty calls as usual. Brea picked up the landline and dialed her best friend.

"Hello?" Mrs. West answered.

"Hi Mrs. West! It's Brea is Wally there?" She asked twirling the cord with her index finger.

"Um, no he's not available. It was nice chatting with you but I have to go." Mrs.West hung up and left Brea udderly confused. Wally would have told her if something was up, right?

This wasn't okay Brea needed to check out if he was okay, she got the bright idea. Her mom had made her a suit for when she turned ten in a few weeks. She ran her up to parents bedroom and got her suit from the back of the closet. It was a black spandex kind of material with a green belt with a yellow belt clip. It also had green gloves with green and black combat boots. She took it off the rack and ran off to her room. (Picture on top)

Pulling on the suit after she put on grey leggings and pulled her hair into a ponytail, she slipped on the gloves and then tied up her boots. 8:29, okay she could do this. Bed by ten, they would never know. Brea opened her window and carefully stepped out onto the roof.

~Wally's House~

Everyone of the league members were there, all surrounding the red headed boy. "What happened?" Canary asked.

"I took him to my lab, I didn't think that what happened to me would happen to him. He asked how I did it and next thing I know he re-created it!" Barry sighed.

"Barry, at least he's okay." Iris tried to comfort.

"Does this mean he's gonna be your sidekick now?" The young Robin asked.

Flash looked at his nephew, well Iris's nephew. He looked over at Iris and Wally's parents.

"I think it would be best for him, learn how to control it and save people. He's always telling us about Brea and how she's so lucky she's got the canary cry." His mom told Barry.

"Okay, I guess he wouldn't be so bad to have around." Barry smiled trying to lighten the mood. Wally began to cough.

"Brea, did you tell her?" Wally manged. Everyone turned to look at Canary and Green Arrow.

"No, she'd refuse to leave your side. It's better if we tell her in the morning." Dinah sighed. There was sudden knocking on the door and everyone jumped. Mr.West went and answered.

Brea came storming in muttering a excuse me, her parents smiled. She was still polite even when she was mad. Everyone stood shocked at the nine year old.

"You didn't tell me that my best friend got turned into a super hero!" She yelled. Brea's cheeks were red with anger as her arms were crossed her breath heavy as she tapped her foot.

"Were did you get that!" Wally asked, referring to the suit she was wearing, his voice still raspy. Brea looked over at Wally giving him the coldest glare anyone had seen.

"Don't Wallace." She said coldly. He gulped, Brea never called Wally by his real name. No one ever did not even his parents when they were mad. That's how you knew you messed up big time.

"You went into our room?" Oliver asked, Brea looked at her father.

"Yes. You were hiding something and I guess I found out what happened." She snapped. She looked over at the clock. 8:57.

Dinah and Oliver looked at each other before looking at their daughter. The other leaguers joined in by looking at one another. Brea looked at Wally, her eyes filled with tears.

"We made a promise." She chocked. Wally looked at his hands. "Does that mean nothing Wally?!" She yelled her fist balling at her sides.Her ponytail swaying as she shook her head.

"You're gonna canary cry." He muttered, Brea started to walk forward but Oliver grabbed his daughter before she could hurt Wally. She turned in her fathers chest and sobbed, her tiny fists balling up his uniform.

"The excitement of maybe getting to fight crime with you someday seemed better then you hiding your powers in some suburb!" Wally defeated. Brea pulled away from her fathers embrace.

"Wally you are a bigger idiot then I thought!" She laughed sadly wiping her wet cheeks.


"If you think the only reason I want to live in the suburb and be normal is to hide away then your wrong. It's to protect you, if a villain ever finds out you are my best friend they come after you! I wanted to protect you!" Brea sighed rubbing her hands over her face. The other leaguers smiled at the two, if they didn't end up together there was no justice in the world. Wally took two quick steps toward her and pulled her into another hug. Brea returned the hug as she burried her head into the crook on Wally's neck.

"If anything I protect you." He smiled holding her tight. Brea squeezed as she smiled into his neck.

"You killed one spider and screamed like a little girl." Brea mumbled causing Wally's cheeks to redden and everyone to laugh. "But you've got a lot of catching up to do. You know to be as good as I am." She smiled.


A/N: All the chapters won't be in third person but it's going to be starting when Young Justice starts. But yeah, vote comment. I'm so bad at these. :D Okay Bye.  (Edit: Wait what? Briz is fixing the spelling mistakes??? What kind of world is this?? Anyways yes I'm going to be editing a lot of this and adding stuff, taking stuff out. Heavy updates to come!) ~Briz

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