New Years.

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My head was spinning, Batman had told us that the Roy we know today was just a clone and they don't know where the real Roy is. Which explains a lot about his weird behavior these last couple months. But then Wally found a weird looking chip thing that Zatanna said had a strong magical presence, Robin noticed that Batman called us kids something that he would never do. Red Tornado was still off line and now we were trying download his conscious into his John Smith body he built. My head was spinning, there was no way this day could get worse. Then my mom walked in.

"Hey guys I just wanted to see how you were handling this news." She smiled as she walked in. We all looked at each other and Wally stood front of Red Tornados human body. "What are you doing to Red!" She yelled, her hands on her hips and he angry mom voice out.

"It's not what it looks like!" Wally yelled raising his hands in defense.

"It looks like you're downloading his conciseness into another body!"  She accused crossing her arms.

"Okay maybe it is what it looks like." Wally mumbled awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck.

Just then Red Tornado woke up, "Kids get out of the cave!" He yelled, Mom's face turned evil and she let out a canary cry and everyone held there heads. I let out a canary cry too, they met in the middle bouncing off of each other.

Guys! Get everyone out of here! I yelled into the mind link while still canary crying.

Can you hold off your mom? Wally asked worriedly. I didn't have to look at him to know that he had his eyebrows flurried and was hesitating to leave with the others.

I'll be fine, go!

Brea you can not scream forever. Aqualad informed me.

Neither can she Auqalad.

Just as I said that Mom stopped and she came charging at me and I jumped up and landed on her shoulders quickly pushing off and pulling her down. But Mom saw it coming and flipped me instead. I put my hands above my head and at straightened out my legs kicking mom in the face she fell to the ground.

"Sorry Mom!" I said, Hopefully she'd understand why her daughters boot marks were on her face. Right?

I placed my foot on her chest. So that I could handcuff her but Mom grabbed my foot and pulled me to the ground. Mom reared her arm back and went to punch me but I grabbed her fist. She yelped and pulled her hand out, my hand was on fire and Mom's hand was burned. Oh god, oh god, oh god. I panicked into the mind link.

Brea? Wally said worriedly.

I'm kicking my mom's ass and I just really hope she understands. I panicked.

I pulled my knees up to my chest and then laid my feet on her chest pushing her off. Robin placed on of his gadgets on her and smoke blew into her face. Mom relaxed and Rocket placed her in a ball of what I think she explained what made out of kinetic energy.

"How did you do that?" Wally asked, looking at my hands glowing a dim red.

"I-I don't know." I studdered. "It just kinda happened." I whispered holding my hand. Wally put a hand on my shoulder and smiled reassuringly.

"We don't have time to worry about that, Red Tornado what is going on with the league?" Robin asked, Red Tornado explained that Klarion and Vandal Savage have taken control of the leagues using some bio chip. Red tornado created a failsafe so that he could not affect any others and now they needed to use a 'cure-safe' to get the rest of the safe. As he explained we heard a few other leaguers come in and ran to sphere escaping. We had to find the bio ship with the others.

"I feel bad about it." I sighed looking over at Mom who was tied and gagged. Wally put his hand on my shoulder.

"It's for the best Brea." He said, I nodded and sighed.

Red Tornado hacked into the Watch Towers system to make sure that we couldn't be detected and could help save the other leaguer members. I was with Wally and Artemis fighting Flash, Aquaman and Dad.

"Dad!" I yelled, "Dad snap outta it! It's me, Brea your daughter!" I tired. He shot an arrow at me which I dodged by flipping and when I expected my feet to be on the ground they weren't. Looking down I saw I was hovering above the ground, using this to my advantage I flew up.

"Kid!" Wally yelled looking up and seeing me. He was wide eyed as he watched me float.

"I know! Look out!" I yelled as I saw flash running towards Wally. I swooped down and grabbed Flash under his arms pulling his feet from the ground.

"Art! Fire a poly arrow!" I yelled. She did so and it enveloped him. I set him down as I was hit with an arrow that knocked me out.


We had done it! We had saved the league members and the day! We all saw Vandal Savage and Klarion leave, "Congratulations Team, you have won the day." Red Torando spoke, and although he couldn't smile if he could he would be.

Happy New year.

The robotic voice sounded. I went and turned to Wally put he had already picked up Artemis and was kissing her. I felt my heart shatter. That should be me. I looked and saw Zatanna kissing Robin, Conner and M'Gann, Rocket kissed Aqualads cheeks. I sighed and looked down. I bet down and kissed Red Tornados cheek.

"Human customs still elude me." He said. I laughed sadly.

"Yeah, me too buddy." I smiled sadly looking at my hands. "Me too."

"Brea!" I heard dad call. I turned around to him and smiled before walking into his arms.

"Hi dad." I smiled, he held me tightly.

"Baby bird, are you okay? You're not hurt are you?" He asked, pulling away a little and looking at me. I looked down and nodded.

Not physically

"No dad I'm fine." I smiled. He raised an eyebrow but Mom came over and hugged me again before he could say anything else.

"Oh my sweet little baby bird." Mom smiled and kissed my hair line. "You didn't get hurt did you?" She asked as she moved hair out of my face.

I shook my head and laughed a little, "No mom, only thing that happened was Dad used a knock out arrow on me." Hearing that Mom looked over at him and glared playfully.

Dad smiled sheepishly, "Sorry honey."

"You guys wanna see something cool though?" I asked, my parents looked at each other and I grabbed the attention of the team too. I did a flip and looked down to see I was doing the same thing as earlier. Floating just above and then i propelled myself up.

"Baby bird!" Mom exclaimed and I laughed.

"I know!" I smiled.

"That's so cool!" I heard Artemis say, and I looked over at them and bowed. Mom and Dad discussed something about me, I could tell as they pointed to me every so often and the rest of the team talked amongst themselves. I stayed there floating, unsure how to get down.

"Hey Brea?" M'gann called, I looked over at her.

"Yeah?" I smiled and she flew up.

"Need some help?" She asked, I nodded while blushing and she placed her hands on my shoulders and pushed my feet back onto the ground.

So this wasn't as long as I thought it was going to be actually. But yeah Wally and Artemis and Brea can fly! How cool is that? Anyways I'm on spring break so I'll try to update a lot! Vote and comment! Bye guys! ~Briz💞

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