Chapter 8

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I woke from my light half-sleep to a startled gasp. Pulling myself to my feet from my sitting position I blinked in surprise at the darkness that still enveloped the earth. From my position high in a tree that stood above my balcony I suddenly remembered that I had woken late in the and could not return to sleep as, I must admit, sleeping under a roof had always left me uncomfortable in fear it would collapse on me in my sleep. I stepped out as far as I could down the tree's branch.

Several feet beneath me stood Arwen; her eye alit beautifully as she stared humorously up at me. Only she knew my fear of sleeping under a ceiling, "Verya! Good morning, I had forgotten your fear of sleeping indoors. But come down, I desperately need to speak to you."

I jumped from the tree and landed perfectly before her. Side by side we leaned out onto the railing and peered into the falling darkness. "What do you need to say my dear friend?"

She looked at me hesitantly before blurting, "I have given away my immorality to be with the one I love." Arwen looked at me and I knew she expected me to be angry, but I couldn't, she had done it for love.

I drew her into a hug and whispered as we drew apart, "I am so happy for you, true love conquers all, so I know you and your beloved are a perfect match. I do not ask for his name, but-" I paused. I had meant to say "Does your father know."

"But what?" Arwen asked expectantly.

"But I hope to meet him someday."

Arwen smiled sadly before saying, "My maid does not know I am here, I a must be on my way before I am discovered. I left a pair of clothes on your bed for you today. I will see you later?"

"Until later my friend, I do not know what I would do without you," I responded.

I dressed quickly into the slim fitting brown pants and form hugging navy green tunic before pulling cloak over my head and strapping my weapons to m body. Truthfully I was too nervous to eat and was nearly sick as I nibbled the edge of a piece of lembas.

In less time then I believed truthfully possible I found myself walking with Merry and Pippin towards the gates of Rivendell from where we would be departing. I wanted to call Ami, but I believed it unfair to the rest for me to be riding as they walked. I knew that I would be able to call her and she would be at my side within hours.

At the gates I avoided Legolas's eye as he tried to catch mine, I knew it was childish, though I truly did not care. Lord Elrond's voice pulled me from my juvenile thoughts as he began, "The Ringbearer is setting out on the quest of Mount Doom and you who travel with him," something out of the corner of my eye distracted me. Arwen's head had fallen sullenly. I followed her glance and saw it rested upon Aragorn when I suddenly realized my folly; it was for he who she had given up her immortality and it was her who was his Tinúviel. I returned my attention to Lord Elrond as he continued, "No oath nor bond is laid to go further than you will. Farewell. Hold to your purpose and may the blessings of elves, and men, and all free folk go with you." He held his hand toward the archway in respect for us.

Gandalf spoke, "The fellowship awaits the Ringbearer."

Frodo hesitated glancing at each in the fellowship for reassurance, I nodded my head and smiled letting him know we were all there for him. "Mordor, Gandalf, is it left or right?" Frodo whispered just loud enough for my ear to catch.

"Left," Gandalf answered.

As we stepped through the arch a heavy thought fell on my chest, Mordor was the place of suffering and death, orcs, by the thousands, dwelled there, monstrous spiders perhaps? Like the ones Bilbo had so cleverly distracted so that he could save the dwarves, great trolls like William, Tom, and Burt, or goblins even? All I knew was that we would discover what lived there soon enough... if we all survived. And like so we left Rivendell.

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