Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Aelia's POV

"Ah, good evening Zephyrus," I closed my eyes and breathed shallowly as time seemed to slow.

"Don't speak to me as though we are still friends," Zapyrus responded angrily.

"You have no reason to speak against me as if it was you, not I that was betrayed!"

"Betrayed!? How can you speak of such a thing? I was protecting myse- my people from those demons of the underground!"

"Ah yes, you're right, I'm the fool, I'm the idiot who was captured at the close of a battle, alas it is all my fault. Being trapped in a small cell for months with no idea how the battle ended, most definitely all my fault. I don't believe you quite understand, I meant you and 'your people' no harm. The Lady and Lord accepted my plea for an asylum, for a safe place as I regained my health!"

Zephyrus scoffed, "You mean to say I'm the selfish one!"

"Honestly, I'm surprised that you caught that, seeming how thick you've always been. You pretended to be the only one to welcome me when I first arrived and I trusted you enough to tell you of the largest secret I have ever had and you threatened to tell if I didn't leave! I don't know how I missed it but now I see you for what you truly are! An egocentric ignoramus!"

"Oh! Look whose learned some new words! I-" I stopped him, not in the way I meant to, but instead my knuckles bit into his nose.

When he finally finished his cursing I caught his arm and half dragged him to the infirmary, all the while cursing him silently.

When we arrived we were met by an elf, no older than a child who looked from him to me. "What happened?!"

"I was provoked," I stated simply before depositing him in a pitiful heap on the ground and leaving. 


I collected my meager belongings saying, "We have to leave, now."

Aragorn jumped from his seat in sudden preparedness, "Why, what happened? You didn't?"

A huffed laugh escaped my lips, "Sadly I did, I punched my old friend in the face."

"An old friend?" Boromir asked, "You've been here before?"

"I lived here for two very short years before I was forced to flee by the friend who betrayed me. I felt no need to tell of my shame."

Gimli snuffled in his dreams as Aragorn ordered, "Aelia, put down your belongings, we will decide in the morning. Legolas has business with Lord Celeborn and the rest are sleeping, there is no reason to wake them. Sleep, you have done too much."

Obeying I lay on the bed prepared for me and closed my eyes and a deep sleep took me.


We remained in Lothlorien longer than it pleased me, and as we prepared to leave my heart ached in a way that I had not felt in many a year.

As we stood on the shore of the river we would continue our travels by Lord Celeborn stopped us in our work and gave to each of the others a beautiful cloak of a soft grey and presented to me my own cloak, mended and as I inspected the cloth I noticed the same threads of the other cloaks running periodically through the fabric.

"Never before have we clad strangers in the garb of our own people," May these cloaks help shield you from unfriendly eyes.

I dragged my cloak over my shoulder and tugged the hood over my eyes as Zephyrus watched us with anger splayed across his bruised features.

As Aragorn added the last pack to our boat we climbed in and began to make our way down the river where we were met by the fair Galadriel in a boat shaped like a swan. She encouraged us and spoke as to give us hope before giving each of us a present.

"My gift for you, Legolas," Galadriel smiled, "Is a bow of the Galadhrim. Worthy of the skill of our woodland kin." Legolas bowed his head to her and she turned to Merry and Pippin giving to each a dagger saying, "These are the daggers of the Noldorin. They have already seen service in war. Do not fear, young Peregrin Took. You will find your courage." Then to Sam, "And for you, Samwise Gamgee, Elven rope made of hithlain."

Sam hesitated looking slightly disappointed with his gift, "Thank you, my lady. Have you run out of those nice, shiny daggers?" Galadriel smiled a reprimanding smile at Sam who thanked her and began to examine the rope closely.

"And what gift would a dwarf ask of the Elves?"

"Nothing. Except to look upon the lady of the Galadhrim one last time, for she is fairer than all the jewels beneath the earth." A laugh escaped Galadriel's lips as Gimli turned away momentarily before turning back, "Actually, there was one thing." Gimli leaned close to the Lady and whispered in her ear. She responded with a kind laugh and slipped something into his hand.

The lady the turned to speak to Aragorn, "I have nothing greater to give than the gift you already bear." She touched the star round his neck, "Am meleth dîn, i ant e guil Arwen Undómiel pígatha." (For her love, I fear the grace of Arwen Evenstar will diminish.)

"Aníron i e broniatha, ad ae periatham athar i methid en-amar hen," Aragorn responded with a sigh, "Aníron i e círatha na Valannor."(I would have her leave these shores and be with her people. I would have her take the ship to Valinor."

"That choice is yet before her. You have your own choice to make, Aragorn. To rise above the height of all your fathers since the days of Elendil, or to fall into darkness with all that is left of your kin. Namárië." (Farewell.) Nadath nâ i moe cerich. Dan, ú-'eveditham, Elessar." (There is much you have left to do. We will not meet again, Elessar.)

"Farewell, Frodo Baggins. I give you the light of Eärendil, our most beloved star," Galadriel said to Frodo, kissing his forehead. "May it be a light for you in dark places, when all other lights go out."

She turned to me, "You, dear child, have suffered more than many so I offer you a vial of peace," I turned the tiny crystal bottle over in my hand, the liquid it held was a very soft purple, so much so that the purple was almost invisible in the color. "This will help you to forget the pain of the body, as well as the pain of the mind, use this with caution for it will cause you to forget all but the immediate."

Galadriel raised her hand in farewell as we departed, the only sounds the splashing of the oars in the water. As we moved I stared at the vial just visible from my bag and decided it was the color of new life. My new life.

Forgive me!! Again it has taken me forever to put up another chapter. I hope you enjoy it though!!

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