Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

The gatekeeper glared at me skeptically, but let me in without a word. Which, would have been odd, except for the fact that I handed him several gold coins to keep him quiet.

I was well known throughout Bree for attacking a man. This man in his drunken rage was beating his children, but for some reason they believed his story that I attacked needlessly. I was annoyed that it took some persuasion, two more gold coins than I meant to give, to convince the gatekeeper to let me in.

I drew my long cloak that dragged in the mud closer around my body as I walked through the little town, hoping it would hide the two swords that were attached to a belt around my waist and my bow.

A sudden gust of wind caught my hood and pulled it from my face revealing my long auburn colored hair and pointed ears. As I scrambled to pull my hood up a hand caught my arm and dragged me into a small alley. As quick as a flash I drew one of my swords and in my other I held a throwing dagger, both aimed at his neck. He released my arm and drew his own sword.

Our swords met again and again, each attacking with more ferociousness then before. The fight finally ended when he knocked my sword from my hands. All had gone as I planned, I threw him against the wall of a building when he had lowered his weapons in victory and fell back a couple steps as I pulled my throwing knives from my belt and the sleeves of my cloak, throwing them with deadly accuracy pinning the shoulder of his cloak to the wall, then both sleeves, until I drew my other sword and pressed it against his neck.

"You are very skilled, Shield Maiden," he said.

"As are you, Ranger," I responded, hoping that this man would not choose the hard way: death.

"Shall we settle this over a drink?" he asked.

"First I must ask you, are you a friend of Mithrandir."

"A friend of Mithrandir indeed, I was told to watch for you, an elleth with red hair, I suppose this is you?"

"Yes I am Mithrandir's friend, I too was told to watch for you. A Ranger going by the name of Strider?"

"That is I," he answered coolly, not in the least threatened by the blade still held against his throat. I pulled my knives from his cloak and let him down. He led me into the Prancing Pony where he ordered a room and a meal.

"So Lady of the Elves, tell me what I shall call you," he said as I stared into the fire nibbling the lembas I had pulled from my pouch I wore over my shoulder.

"I cannot give you my name, but call me what you please. I must now take my leave, do not search for me, I will find you in the morning, or when I feel I am needed." I stood and left the table, walking out the door.

I walked a little ways around the inn to the stable. I silently leapt up onto the fence and climbed up, using window ledges until I lifted myself to the roof, where I sat huddled against chimney, completely ignoring the rain, my cloak allowing me to blend into the darkness. I watched the dark men that skirted around buildings, their bodies pressed against the buildings. I saw the carts and horses on the muddy streets. Then I saw four miniature figures, about half the height of a grown man with large feet that did not fit the proportions of their bodies, I smiled to myself as I recognized them, Hobbits.

They stumbled through the muddy streets, nearly being run over by a cart, until they paused at the front of the inn. One of them looked up and perhaps saw me as I pulled myself closer to the edge to better see them. He tugged the other's sleeve and pointed to where I had stood seconds before, though I had pulled myself back into the shelter of the chimney. The other Hobbits shrugged him off as they entered the inn. The one left behind stared suspiciously at the roof before shaking is head and stepping in side.

I became lost in my thoughts as I mindlessly watched the streets, my mind straying to my greatest friend who still mourned my death. Suddenly Strider's angry shouts drew me back to Middle Earth. As I gently let myself down onto the ledge of the window of the room Strider booked a loud scream echoed across Bree. I crouched down outside the window and there was Strider standing over one of the Hobbits who had looked for me on the roof.

"Who are you?" the Hobbit asked fearfully.

"Are you frightened?" Strider asked.

The Hobbit hesitated, "Yes," he whispered.

"Not nearly frightened enough. I know what hunts you."

Without warning the other Hobbits burst into the room. Strider whipped around, his long sword drawn. The one Hobbit who had stared so suspiciously at me shouted angrily, "Let him go! Or I'll have you Longshanks!"

I slipped one of my daggers into the crack between the windows and pulled up the latch and let myself in without anyone noticing, they were all so focused on one another and started when I said, "You are brave Hobbit, I respect that." Then turning to Strider I said, "They are coming." The Hobbits all stared up at me in awe, they could not see any of my features, nor my pointed ears.

The little Hobbit with curly black hair and striking blue eyes stared up at me fearfully, "W-w-who are coming?"

"The Nazguls."

The other Hobbits looked from Strider to me, "Who is she?" one with a Scottish accent asked.

"I am a Lady of the Shield, I protect those who need protecting."

"Yes, but what is your name?" another Hobbit asked that looked a lot alike the one who previously spoke.

"Call me what you please, here, I have no name. Though I assure you I am a friend of Mithrandir. Do you mind me asking your names?" The Hobbits looked at me confused.

"Mithrandir and Gandalf are one and the same," Strider put in.

"I'm Frodo Ba-no Underhill," the Hobbit with black hair and blue eyes said.

I stuck my hand out and he shook it, "Hello Frodo Baggins, I knew your Uncle well." He looked at me shocked by my words.

"I'm Peregrin Took, or Pippin, or Pip, whichever you prefer," said the one with the Scottish accent cheerfully sticking his hand out, I shook it and bowed my head slightly.

"Meriadoc Brandybuck, or just Merry," said the one who looked so much like Pippin said as I shook his tiny hand.

"I'm Samwise Gamgee, but call me Sam. Was that you on the roof?" the last Hobbit asked curiously. Strider looked at me in shock as I dipped my hooded head in answer.

"Miss," Frodo asked scanning my face, hidden in my hood, "Were you in the company?"

"Yes little Frodo, I was in the company of Thorin Oakenshield."

"Bilbo told us stories of your bravery, Miss Aelia. He said you died in the battle of the five armies."

"B-but your dead!" Merry restated shocked.

"I suppose that Bilbo said they never found my body. I was supposed dead though I was taken prisoner and escaped a year later. Also as you can see I am obviously not dead." I said holding my arms out and pulling my hood back.

"You're an elf!" Sam said.

I looked at him confused, "That I am."

"Bilbo also said Aelia was not you real name, he also said you told them not to use your name if you died, are these true?"

"They are."

"Master Hobbits, you will stay in this room, the Nazgul are searching. Now tell me where are your rooms?" Strider said, bringing an end to our conversations. Sam quickly related the room number to him and Strider ran off.

"I must take my leave as well, close and lock the window behind me," I said stepping out the window, just as Strider returned to the room, "Strider, I will keep watch from the roof."

He frowned and said, "Use caution Aelia, let me know when they come."

I nodded and shut the window behind me before lifting myself onto the ceiling and huddling up once more against the chimney hidden in the shadows of the growing darkness.

This is my first fan-fic ever!! I hope you like it!! Please let me know any mistakes I make!! Updates should be from once or twice a week!! Thanks for reading!!

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