Chapter 13

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*Ignore the picture for now, there will be an explanation at the very end, and there has been an update on the Mary Sue contest, there is a commercial for it later on <3*

I ran out of the room just before Aelia. As we ran Orcs seemed to appear; hundreds at once. Erupting from the floor they fell, dripping from ceiling, trickling down the great columns like grimy pond water. There was no end to them as they pooled around us forcing us to stop.

In a flash we all had our weapons drawn as we crowded into a tightly knit circle. They advanced slowly when suddenly one was pushed forward from the throng grinning madly. It hopped around our circle mockingly. I pulled back my bow, leveled it with the beast's head and just as I prepared to release the arrow a great roar sounded, deep and rumbling with a thousand years of pent up anger.

The orc before us paused momentarily in its mockery, along with the entire multitude before turning with a shriek. It raced back into the crowd and the orcs followed the others lead and a thousand shrieks rang through the halls as they disappeared as suddenly as they had come.

Another roar rang out and a sudden red glow appeared in the hall we had first entered. "What is this new devilment?" Boromir asked as he turned round slowly searching for escape.

"Whatever it is it must be great as even the orcs who quarrel and kill amongst themselves as a pastime run from its very voice," Aelia replied staring back into the growing red.

I myself looked to Gandalf who stood very still, his eyes closed as if in thought.

Suddenly a cold voice spoke, Aelia's voice, though somehow not her own. It was colder and harsher, lost in all its previous kindness. It drew me into the close past; this had happened before as we stood high on the mountain, she spoke with the words of Saruman, "Ah, Gandalf, I have summoned an old one, from long ago during the first reign of Sauron. "

"Be away from her Saruman!" Gandalf cried angrily, "This argument is between you and me, leave the rest be."

Aelia suddenly lashed out violently from her previously stiff form as if fighting some invisible foe shouting in her regular voice, "Be gone Saruman, leave me be! Have you not tortured me enough? You show me repeatedly the deaths of the ones I love! You show me the deaths of these who stand before me! Be gone!" then in her speech she suddenly stiffened and fell silent.

"Quiet fool! Act as you must! A servant of the new age!" The voice of Saruman cried from Aelia's mouth, "Gandalf, you are alone; the men of Gondor will turn from you when the first man falls!"

"No!" Boromir cried, "We are strong! We will not fall!"

"Uh Gandalf," Pippin interrupted, "The uh, whatever it may be, is getting closer."

"It is a Balrog!" Gandalf exclaimed, "A demon of the ancient world. It is a foe beyond any of you! RUN!"

Gandalf turned to run, but I caught his arm as Aelia cried out in Saruman's voice, "This is my lord's servant, he will not be defeated so easily! Run! It will only lengthen your lives by seconds! I need her not any more, for she shall die with the others." Gandalf turned to look at her and she collapsed to the ground, her breath coming in short ragged gasps and coughs. I caught her form up in my arms and Gandalf nodded before taking off after the others. I followed in suit.

We ran through the columns as an odd heat grew almost unbearable behind us. Our intense race led us through several doorways, down several staircases when Aelia forced me to put her down. I consented and she immediately ran on after the others without any sign of weakness.

In good time we caught up and now raced behind the hobbits who, with their short legs had fallen to the back of the pack. "Legolas!" she cried, "To the front, find a way out, I'll help the hobbits!" I nodded and lengthened my strides and flew to the front of the group, but not without time to see her pull Merry onto her back as she pushed herself on despite her most recent attack from Saruman.

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