Chapter 14

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Aelia's POV

We ran across a meadow into woods that I recognized immediately, these were the lands of the Lady of Light. I had remained several months in this area during my banishment, but left without word when he, I shook my head to rid the thought. The others walked silently as though terrified of the very trees themselves. I let my thoughts wander and let my eyes shut as I followed the path I knew all too well.

Behind my eyes I could see Mithrandir, his bright eyes pierced with horror as he fell down to the depth of the earth. I opened my eyes and shook my head wiping away a tear, he was another loss, again I closed my eyes, guilty to want to replay his last moments, but still needing the final words he gave me, "Fly you fools." That's all we are, fools; I accepted his words as I again watched the whip coil around his ankle pulling him down into the earth.

'Fools,' the voice echoed again in my head, 'Fools, fools, fools.' I welcomed it before suddenly realizing that the voice was neither mine nor Mithrndir's it was the voice that had imprisoned my and stole my hope day after day until that was left was the slightest sliver.

'Sarumen,' I answered silently hating the very name, 'You have gained a victory in our loss of Mithrandir, what do you wish with me?"

A harsh chuckle answered me, 'You never do break do you? But I have a more powerful force on my side,' and with that he was gone.

A hand touched my shoulder gently and I shrunk away from it, "Aelia?" Legolas whispered, "Are you sick? You grew extremely pale just moments ago." I shook my head and sighed falling even farther behind then I previously was.

"Aelia!" Gimli cried, "Elven you may be, but I recommend you stay close, as to you young hobbits, "They say there's a great sorceress live in these woods. An elf-witch of terrible power. All who look upon her fall under her spell... and are never seen again!"

A small smile crept across my face, he would not say the same if he truly knew the Lady.

"Well! Here's one dwarf she won't ensnare so easily!" Gimli continued, "I have the eyes of a hawk, and the ears of a fox!"

Two arrows appeared suddenly before Gimli's face he let out a shout as Legolas drew his own bow. I drew bck into the shadows in sudden shock only to feel the pointed tip of an arrow press into my back. I bowed my head and made to draw my hood over my face when suddenly a hand roughly took my wrist. "Lady, do not move, it will only bring you trouble." I twisted my wrist out the hand, hating the voice as I barely refrained myself from lashing out. I bowed my head deeper allowing my hair to fall against my cheek. Fear held me from revealing myself, I feared what they, no he, might do if I made myself truly known.

Aragorn raised his hands in peace as he pushed Legolas's bow down. A figure emered from the leaves and I couldn't help but smile (Haldir always had a dramatic flair) before the slight upturn of my lips was banished with Gandalf's voice whispered again in my conscience. "The dwarf breathes so loud, we could have shot him in the dark." Haldir said his voice light in his mocking.

Gimli growled like a warg due to the slight against his honor, but he was ignored as Haldir continued, "Mae govannen, Legolas Thranduilion." (Welcome Legolas, son of Thranduil.)

Legolas smiled and bowed before him, "Govannas vîn gwennen le, Haldir o Lórien." (Our Fellowship stands in your debt, Haldir of Lórien.)

Haldir turned away from Legolas and scanned the rest of us, "A, Aragorn in Dúnedain istannen le ammen." (Oh, Aragorn of the Dúnedain, you are known to us.)

Aragorn bowed, "Haldir," Haldir's eyes shifted to me, I could see the confusion in his eyes. Shifting my head slightly I smiled at him, nodded, again bowed my head. Understanding flooded his eyes and he nodded in response.

"So much for the legendary courtesy of the Elves! Speak words we can also understand!" Gimli announced angrily.

Haldir turned on Gimli his surprise that we had chosen such an unruly traveling companion was obvious, "We have not had dealings with the dwarves, since the dark days."

Gimli released a cruel laugh, "And do you know what this Dwarf says to that? Ishkhaqwi ai durugnul!" (I spit upon your grave!)

A gasp escaped my lips and I, in my great shock drew back my hand, cuffing him hard over the head. I drew my hand back quickly into my cloak not at all sorry but intensely embarrassed.

Aragorn frowned harshly at me before slapping his hand on Gimli's shoulder, "That was not so courteous!"

Haldir's eyes shifted from our little scene to Frodo and Sam. His face altered suddenly into a countenance of horror but returned to normal as fast as the change had come, "You bring great evil with you," He paused slightly ashamed, "You can go no further!"

Aragorn lowered his voice and began to plead with Haldir to allow us to go on. My mind slipped away like a paper caught upon a breeze. It twisted and turned traveling to many years before, just months after my banishment.

I stumbled through a forest half-starved and not on my usual guard. My feet were weary and in much need of rest, and my throat so parched that words pained it.

I could sense a presence near me so calling out, my voice just barely a shout, I cried "Please, my kin of Lothlorien, I am in dire need of your help."

An elf stepped from the shadows, his forest green and sparkling silver uniform displaying his position. "I am Haldir, Caaptian of the Guard of Lórien, Lady, how do you come to be here?" he inquired.

I held my swaying body as steady as I could as I bowed before him, "I am," I hesitated, with a soft shiver, choosing to leave behind my true name behind in Mirkwood, "I am Aelia, and I am... I was an envoy for the King of Mirkwood for many years, than he asked me to do something I could not bring myself to do."

"And what might that be?" Haldir asked raising his eyebrow.

"He asked me to deliver a... a declaration of war to a small incredibly poor town of men. But please, will you take me with you, I have not eaten in many days, and I need somewhere to rest my feet."

Haldir looked me over suspiciously and said, "You will follow me."

The voice from my memory mingled with Haldir's words of today. I looked up my heart conflicted, this place was like a home to me but held less than friendly memories.

BAM new chapter!! Hello I have returned, I know I said I would have a new chapter up a lot earlier than this, but I have been working on a virtual class and I will probably be able to have some more chapters up when school starts (I bet you've never heard that before).

Let's see if we can get ten comments and 20 votes!! I can't wait to hear what you think of my story!

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