Anger Pt.3

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I land on her grass and start sprinting into the woods across from her house. I continue to run when I hear foot steps and the cops yelling. I continue to keep running. I find myself at a fast flowing river. I without hesitation jump in. As I do I go with the flow with the river dodging rocks while I swim.
I drift for about 20 minutes and then get out. I lost the cops. Thank god. I think to myself. I then realize all my stuff in my backpack is soaked including my money. I let out a low growl of anger and take all of it out laying it out across the rocks.
I wait about 2 hours and the money is dry. As I was waiting I also dried off a hoodie and my jeans were still a little damp but whatever. I put on a pair of new socks and my other pair of shoes which were actually more like hiking boots.
I just put the rest of my money in my pockets and start walking again. I walk and walk. I eventually get to another town and go into a electronic shop. "Can I get that phone?" I ask the man behind the desk. "Sure." He says as he takes the phone out of the glass. "Thank you." I say as I pull out 200 dollars and pay him. "Have a nice day." He says as i walk out of the store.
I wave and smile. Then I go to a car dealer ship and watch where the employees go to put up keys. I wait until closing time. I end up falling asleep against a wall behind the dealer ship. I wake up to cracking noise. Another Homeless person is walking by. I get up and wave to her. She smiles with a toothless mouth. I walk up to her and give her 100$. She looks at me and then smiles again. "Thank you so so much you don't know what this will do for me." She says as she tears up.
I just hug her and she walks off into a gas station to get some food or something. I look around and notice cameras everywhere. I take a few stones. I then get out of the cameras view and chuck them at each camera and they shatter. I then go back up to the building and jump up to the top of the roof. I then look for a vent.
Once I find one I pry it open. Then move my way into the dealer ship. I then Walk around and try to find the area where the keys are stored. And then Finally find the place where the keys are stored. I break up in the door and look for a key to a truck probably a ram. After that I'll go back up to the vent and I go outside of the same way that I came up the building.
I go to A ram truck and to each one I try and unlock the door I finally find the truck the key belongs to and I turn it on. After that I carefully make my way out of the parking lot in the new stolen truck.
I eventually find my way into the streets and get on my phone. I look up an address to the person I have been dating for a while. I see that it is a 17 hour drive. Fuck. I think in my head. I just continue driving.
I stop by a gas station parking in the back. I then go in and buy some energy drinks and nutrition bars. I pay and leave. I get back in my truck and start driving.
~time skip~
I finally get to their house. I text them -
Nobody_67361- baby check outside ur window
Pexsoc- ok?
They see me and open their window. They freeze when I climb through their window. "Hey kitten." I say as I walk up to them sitting them down and putting my knees at their hips when I sit in their lap. "Are you surprised?" I question they open their mouth to speak and just as they started to talk the window shatters and a bomb of toxic gas is thrown into the room.

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