Vengeance Pt.3 (last part)

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Drew continues to just stare at me shocked. He finally gets a few words out. "H-how?" He asks as some color returns to his face. "Well it was quite easy. Why would you run to America? Well it doesn't matter because either way I'm going to show you all the pain you made me feel." I say as my robotic arm dose a turn and the knuckles spike up. The claws shine in the dime light slightly.

His face immediately goes white again. "Y-you don't need to do t-this. I was o-only doing my job!" He says frantically as he starts to struggle in the chair. I walk slowly almost like stalking prey. I drag my metal claw like hand against the stone walls. Sparks light up the room with each step I take. Drew is still rambling, "P-please d-don't do this. I have a family. A lovely wife, two beautiful daughters, and a son. I l-love them s-" He gets cut off as I sink my claws into his thigh.

"AHHHHHHH! S-STOP!" He screams as I drag down his leg. "You see my I loved my family as much probably more than you love yours but you and you're "gang" killed them. . . IN FRONT OF ME! I WAS 20. BUT YOU GUYS DIDN'T CARE DID YOU ALL ABOUT MONEY. Well guess what money can't get you out of this." I say as I wipe my face. My sadness quickly switches to rage. I punch him repeatedly across his face. I don't even realize that his face is practically shredded until some of my soldiers come in with the rest of his gang.

"Oh yay." I say as I tell the other men in the room to remove his body. The other men remove his body and clean the large puddle of blood. "Hey boys, remember me?" I ask them wanting to see if they turn white like Drew. Sure enough they turn pale. "Ok let's get started." I say as I point to the chairs. My soldiers force them down and tie their wrist and legs to the chairs.

"Ok y'all know how this goes. I show you pain like y'all have never felt and then you die. Just as you guys deserve." I say. Almost in sync they all start yelling and pleading. I laughed and they went silent. "Oh sorry does it scare y'all that I don't care that Devan over here has family or that Kaden has a girlfriend? Good." I say as I walk over to the table.

Knives, brass knuckles, guns, a bat, etc. They are all laid out in an ordered fashion. I take a smaller knife and go over to one of them. I grab him by his hair and pull his head back. I started at his forehead and slid the knife under his scalp, peeling off the skin on the top of his head. Scalping him. As he squirms and screams I kind of just think of how I screamed and cried when my family died in front of me.

Scalping someone is the very best way to kill someone, they die slowly, painfully, and the blood loss normally isn't a problem considering it's there head. The other men start screaming as there buddy screams and moves while blood is flowing down his face. It was pretty pathetic. I order one of my men to untie his arms. As they do he starts lashing out. I take one of the guns and shoot him is both shoulders. His arms stop moving. I take his left arm and slice down and peel the skin completely off his arm.

I do the same to both then move on considering he will die soon from blood loss. I go to the next guy and shoot him in the feet, then I order my men to set him up on the table and tie him down. I take a tray of nails and a hammer. I took one and push it through his hands and threw the bottom of the metal table. Then I cut off his shirt and slice down the middle of his stomach and order one of my men to rip out his organs. As they do I move on again.

I take the next guy and take a hammer and break each one of his fingers and bash in his dick because why not. I then bash in his knees and up his body to his arms. I break each of his fingers laughing when he starts crying. I snap his elbows backwards. Then go on and take the hammer to his skull. Hmmm what to do with the last dude? I ask myself as he looks at me with a mix of horror and pure terror.

Jax is the last one. Blond, green eyes, probably around 6'2 or something, nice build (all of the dudes looked like biker jocks or something). I walk back to the table and grab the bat. I start easy on him and just break both of his knees. Why do I think it's hella funny when they cry. I mean they are all looking like huge jocky dudes. It's kinda weird how easily you can break someone.

I role up his shirt and slice down his chest not deep enough to kill but still bring pain as always. I grab an axe off the table. I start where his neck attaches to his chest and chop down and then separate each of his ribs. I then push them all out. Making it look almost like he has bloody wings. I looked super cool. I look around the room at all of the bodies feeling proud and like really happy. Well that was funnn. I say in my head.

"Ok well now that that is done, let's get rid of these bodies." I say as I snap my fingers ordering my men to dispose of them. I get to my ride and go back home. Once I get home I clean my mech-arm and take a shower. I go back to my computer man and tell him to call back my men and to post the end of the whole "Crime for a week" thing. That was just mostly to scare them. I go to my room and write in my journal a little. Well I did it. I hope my family is proud of me.

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