Art is for losers - 2

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Who the fuck came up with the idea of school. After so many years, couldn't we just give it up already.

I was bored out of my mind, my feet dragging across the ground as I made my way to the last class of the day.

I had art, it was mainly a bludge if anything. Though, I didn't mind art, at times I enjoyed it. It felt like a time when I was allowed to create and not destroy.

The door to the art rooms came into view as I turned the corner, but so did the asshole from the courtyard. I don't care that I hadn't even spoke a work to him before, I was allowed to call him an asshole.

I'd seen him twice today and each time he was already glaring at me as if I was sent from hell to torment him. God knows what I've done to deserve this.

He came up to me this time, for the first time today. My stubborn ass didn't back down from him, didn't look away. I couldn't let him win whatever war was waging in his head.

"Of course you take art, it's a fucking repulsive subject, just like you." He smirked, his voice deep and quiet, his blue eyes staring straight at my own.

It felt as if he was using whatever he could to insult me. There's absolutely nothing wrong with art. Besides he can't even talk.

"Aww, looks as if you are repulsive as well." I bit back with a pouted lip.

He chuckled deeply and walked away.

"Is there a reason you like glaring at me." I called after him. He turned around, all humour drained from his face.

"You don't know who I am do you?" He looked away first. I never had time to reply before he walked into the classroom.

Well, at least today couldn't get anymore confusing.

A few girls in my class giggled as they followed the strange guy into the classroom, desperate for his attention.

I rolled my eyes as I headed into the classroom and took a seat.

My art teacher - Miss Atken - finally breezed in. Her blonde hair pulled up in her usual tight bun, her dress an elaborate yellow design.

"Today, I want you all to paint something that resembles your summer, something creative, expressive." Miss Atken clapped her hands together and waved her hand towards the art supplies.

I wandered towards the sink, grabbing my water bowl first. To my dismay, the guy with the blue eyes was there already.

He looked at me, then looked at the water bowl in his own hands. I realised what he was about to do a moment too late.

The water bowl went flying toward me, water spilling all down the front of my white shirt, making it transparent.

His eyes bludged as he looked down at my chest, my bra now clearly visible for all to see. Of course, he was a guy, even my tits turned him on.

"You are a bigger asshole than I thought." I seethed, reaching for the towel on the wall beside me.

He only gave me a smug grin before walking away, the laughs of the previous girls following him.

"Raven, what on earth happened here." Miss Atken rushed up toward me. 

I looked towards the boy, but he shook his head, telling me all I needed to know.

"Oh, I slipped when I was carrying water, that's all." I said quickly. Damn him, cause all I wanted to do with thump his immature ass with my fist. 

She sighed, shaking her head. "At least put a jacket on, do you have one?" My teacher asked. I shook my head.

"I'll ask the other students if they have one." She patted my shoulder and walked around the classroom asking. Considering it was nearing the end of summer, no one had one at this time of year.

That was until she stopped off at that boy, asking for his leather jacket, he was wearing it over the top of his white button up shirt and black trousers. His green and white tie no where to be found.

I looked back toward my blank canvas, trying to picture an artwork. The sound of my teachers heels had me looking back up. I stilled when I saw she had his leather jacket in her hand, how ironic.

I reluctantly took the jacket and read the faded name on the tag.

Hunter Andof

His last name sounded so familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it.

Still pissed out of my mind, I slipped the jacket on, even if it made me gag a bit to be putting on Hunter's jacket. Though at least no one would be able to see my bra anymore.

I spent the rest of the lesson painting my artwork. The canvas full of blacks, reds, whites and oranges, I was happy with it. That was until Hunter came up and 'accidentally' spilled a whole bottle of blue paint on it.

I couldn't deal with this, first my shirt, now my artwork? What the fuck did he have against me.

By the time the bell rang I was hurrying out of the classroom when I felt someone aggressively push past me. To no surprise, when i looked up it was the back of Hunter's head I saw walking away.

The final walk to the car park had be full of relief to be finally leaving. I found Ethan as he waited for Liv. I informed him of everything Hunter had done during art. "I don't understand what he has against me, ever since he saw me this morning he has been messing with me." I said, clearly pissed off.

"Ravennnn, did you have sex on your first dayyy." I heard Liv drawl from behind me. I turned stuck my finger up at her, until I saw who stood next to her.

Fucking Hunter.

Why was he with her.

"So he's not gay!?" Ethan retorted from behind me.

Hunter blinked in surprise at the comment.

"What are you doing here?" I asked point blank at Hunter.

"I want my jacket back." He said.

Ethan let out an exaggerated gasp. "Raven, good job, he's hot." He said in a painfully loud whisper.

I glared at Ethan.

Hunter looked even more confused as he reached his arm out, waiting for me to give him the jacket.

"You should have thought about that before you spilt water all down my shirt." I said, turning back around.

Suddenly, I feel a strong hand on my shoulder. "Fine, keep the jacket, I have plenty anyway." His deep voice spoke into my ear.

I couldn't help the chill that ran down my spine at his voice. It created an unwanted feeling that I wanted to forget in an instant.

As I looked behind me I saw him walking off, a group of younger girls trailing him. I watched as he got on a motorbike, strapping on a helmet before starting the engine and driving off. The girls near him started giggling like fucking kids.

"At least I got a new jacket out of today." I shrugged as I took the keys from Liv and walked to the drivers seat.

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