The Truth - 26

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I spent the next two weeks following Hunter around all morning, going on runs and exercises, being taught how to better defend myself.

I was excited when we got to the guns, maybe I could shoot his face off. I lined up my shot and fired, shooting perfectly in the centre of the target.

"You are moving your body too much and waiting too long to shoot, in a fight you need to be stable in case someone comes up behind you. You need to be fast when taking aim." Hunter had said.

I was to start joining meetings about the Martinez' next week, only to listen and understand how the meetings ran. I had been told that after the attack on my house, there hadn't been a word from the rouge group. John was using this time to have me taught, as well as going through everything he had gathered on the group for the third time.

I had resorted to searching through the books on the shelf in my room out of boredom. I pulled out a book called 'forbidden desires' and almost cried out in happiness when I saw it was full of smut.

Other than the few words I shared with Hunter during training, I spoke to nearly no one, other than at dinner.

We ate dinner every night in the dining room. It was usually occupied by my father, Hunter, Elijah - Hunter's cousin who showed up on the third day of being here, Hunter's uncle - Matteo, and Hunter's mother - Jennifer. John made occasional appearances, sometimes being too occupied to make it.

Elijah was a great guy, messy brown hair, a charming smile and always knew how to keep a conversation running. Not to mention he was attractive, but he never get my blood running like Hunter did.

It was always awkward at dinner, I mostly sat there in silence, unfortunately being placed next to Hunter. My father had grown up with John and Jeniffer, he was always talking to them, bringing up old memories. I was happy to see that he wasn't just living in the solitude of his room anymore.

Tonight was no different than any other. Elijah was talking to me, casual small talk. Hunter sat in silence at my side while his parents and my father talked happily to each other, Matteo, Elijah's father was a quiet man, it was unsettling.

"Raven, Hunter, how is training going." I looked up and saw John staring at the two of us.

I was about to reply with 'good' when Hunter talked.

"She is making minimal progress, nothing to be proud over just yet." I wanted to stab him with the fork in my hand.

"Is that so, maybe it is your training Hunter, perhaps we should resign you, put you back into your old..." John paused, as if trying to find the right word. "Restrictions."

Hunter stiffened at my side.

"Don't worry sir, I think Hunter is doing a very good job at making sure I don't improve." I smiled sweetly at him.

John furrowed his brows. "What do you mean."

"Oh, I mean not giving me proper pointers, having me do the exact same thing everyday, showing up hung-" I felt a hand grip my bicep.

I looked at Hunter through innocent eyes. "Shut the fuck up." He hissed.

"Sorry, are you afraid of what daddy's gonna do." I pouted. I immediately regretted the words as soon as they left my mouth. It tasted as foul as it should of, and I was hoping Hunter would hit me for it.

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