Attacked - 8

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*Raven's Pov*

Liv and I danced till we had to take out heels off, we then danced till we felt like we needed to take our feet off as well. Soon we had a booth and were sharing it with two decent guys.

One currently had his tongue down Liv's throat and the other was sitting beside me, thinking about shoving his tongue down my throat.

I had told him I had a boyfriend when we were dancing, but that didn't seem to stop the fantasies he was conjuring in his mind.

"Well where is he." He had asked. I realised I probably wouldn't be able to shake him off too easily so I pointed towards Hunter, who was still sitting at the bar, having a sulk.

The man stopped asking after that.

We were sipping our drinks when Liv finally stopped making out with the other guy, her lips swollen as she grinned.

The guy next to her echoed her expression. He reached into his pocket, pulling out a pack of joints, leaving me grinning with the rest of them.

The dude, who's damn I had gathered to be Aaron, lit the joint and passed it around to all of us in turn. The smoke filled the air, lulling my mind.

"Livvy, I want to go back and dance. Come with meee." I said as a good song turned on. I stood from my side of the booth and tugged her arm, yanking her with me.

She laughed and stood up, leaving the random guys alone with their joint.

Once we were back on the dance floor, we were constantly getting thrown around, different drunk guys trying to grab our asses. Charming.

I moved around more, accidentally bumping backwards into another person. Everyone on the floor was dancing with partners, grinding against them.

The person behind me gripped my hips when they noticed I wasn't moving away and I started to grind upon him.

I felt as the man behind me bent down towards my ear and whispered. "I don't think you want to play this type of game with me love." I recognised that voice.

I whirled around, staggering backwards and saw Hunter standing there, hands still on my hips.

"What game would you be talking about." I said, trying to sound confident, trying to hold my drunk self together.

"The game with you thinking you can beat me, thinking you can get away with everything you say and do to me." He drawled, "As for the jacket, you can keep it, i wouldn't want to take away your only memory of me." He winked before turning around and walking to the exit.

I found Liv quickly, "let's go." I said to her. She nodded with agreement and followed me to the exit.

We walked past Fred, the other two body guards were gone. We went through the store, the women had left, replaced by a younger man on his shift.

We made it to the front door and headed towards the car, until I felt a hand wrap around my mouth, another at my waist, pulling me against them. From the corner of my eye I saw a man holding Liv in the same way.


I waited till they pulled us into a dark alley before I drove my elbow into my attackers side, at the same time as stamping on the bridge on his foot.

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