House Party Fights - 9

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The rest of the week was spent with Hunter on the back of my mind, and with his in front of my face. He continued his usual antics, despite the help he gave Liv and I the other night.

The party Lachlan had invited me to was tonight, and I couldn't say I was excited.

Lachlan picked me up as the sun was setting. I fixed my makeup in the car mirror, wiping away a trail of smudged lipstick.

We arrived ten minutes later, the street was lined with cars, a steady trail of people entering. I joined the crown and as soon as I stepped into the house I was hit with the intense smell of weed, alcohol and body oder.

Lachlan stuck by my side as he promised, which gave me great comfort. I walked to the drinks table and poured myself a vodka shot, downing it in a second, i took another, and another.

"Woah, Raven, careful on the drinks." Lachlan said from my side, he draped a careful arm around my waist and led me from the table.

"Just cause you aren't drinking doesn't mean i can't." I frowned at him.

Lachlan smiled and shook his head. "Let's go dance." I insisted as I dragged him towards the throng of people.

I stood in the centre and let myself loose with Lachlan by my sid. He held me for the next hour, making sure I didn't make a fool of myself, or making sure I knew where he was.

I was actually enjoying my night with Lachlan.

That was until I saw Hunter wandering through the crowd, a cigarette in his mouth. I sighed, I really didn't feel like having my night ruined by Hunter reminding me how much he hates me.

Those blue eyes stopped roaming as he spotted me, he threw me a wicked grin, a puff of smoke blowing in the air, though i swear i saw a flicker of disgust as he saw Lachlan behind me. I rolled my eyes and turned back around.

"We should go up stairs." Lachlan whispered into my ear before moving his lips onto my own. I put my arms around his neck to pull him in deeper.

I felt his arms snake around my back as he held onto me tighter, as if he was scared i would fly away. I felt us get pushed and shoved to the side as people danced around us.

"Let's go to the couch." I purred, grabbing his hand and pulling him out of the crowd. I wasn't near ready to spend a night alone with him again just yet.

I found an empty couch and pushed Lachlan down first, sitting on his lap afterwards, his arm grabbing my waist.

I took in the surroundings of the room and almost groaned when I noticed on the other side was Hunter, a blonde girl at his side.

The girl seemed to be rambling on, Hunter looked bored out of his mind. I felt sorry for the girl, he clearly wasn't paying attention to what she was saying.

Hunter set his gaze on me, quickly replacing his bored expression for a scowl.

It gave me some sort of satisfaction to know I made him pissed off just by being in the same room as him.

I felt fingers on my chin, and for a split second, i thought they were Hunter's.

I looked to my side and saw Lachlan looking at me.

"What's so interesting about Hunter." He raised a brow.

"Nothing." I replied as J brought my mouth to his. We kissed, I traced his lips with my tongue and he opened for me.

I opened my eyes and saw as Hunter watched, his jaw clenched, it made me smile through the kiss with Lachlan. Though I quickly dropped that smile as i saw him pull the blonde girl into his lap and he started brought his lips to hers, his hands grabbing her ass.

He kept his eyes on mine the whole time.

I grabbed Lachlan's hand from my waist and placed them on my ass, still keeping eye-contact with those blue eyes.

Suddenly, it felt as if my lips were on Hunter's, his hands on my ass. My heart started hammering in my chest, i started grinding slowly on Hunters lap, he let out a low moan.

I chuckled into his mouth, pushing in harder, needing more. My eyes never left his.

All of a sudden his lips were drawn from mine.

"Raven..." Lachlan's voice brought me back to reality, the reality that I wanted.

God, there was no way in hell that I wanted to kiss Hunter. For fucks sake, he was getting inside my head.

Lachlan followed my line of sight and pushed my off him as he stood up, walking straight toward Hunter.

He pushed the blonde girl off Hunters lap and pulled him onto his feet by his collar.

"Lachlan!" I shouted, Lachlan didn't seem to hear me, or pretended not to.

"Get your fucking creepy gaze of my girlfriend." Lachlan shouted in Hunter's face. Hunter didn't even flinch, he only smirked.

"For fucks sake." I swore under my breath.

Lachlan punched Hunter in the gut. Hunter doubled over, I thought it was from being winded, yet i watched as he rammed his body into Lachlan's, sending them both tumbling to the floor.

This wasn't going to end well. They were both roughly the same size, yet I could tell Hunter was stronger, and a far better fighter by the looks of things.

Hunter quickly recovered from the fall and stood up, brushing invisible dirt from his black shirt, unbothered by the raging football player.

Lachlan staggered up and stood in a fighters pose. I heard Hunter chuckle softly as he copied the position.

Lachlan moved first, he was slow, Hunter was fast as he skilfully dodged his fist. Hunter moved, punching Lachlan's face. My boyfriend cried out in pain, Hunter only took the distraction to his advantage as he threw another punch into Lachlan's gut.

He was fast and strong, and watching him fight was strangely attractive. I pried my eyes away from Hunter and watched Lachlan as he slowly recovered from the punch.

A crowd gathered around the fighting boys, some people started calling out bets, most in favour of Hunter.

Before i knew what happened, Lachlan threw himself at Hunter, he only stepped to the side and watched as Lachlan fell face first into the ground.

I heard my boyfriend groan as the crowed cheered around them.

Hunter walked towards the front door, turning only to give me a withering glare before walking out.

He was the most confusing man i've ever met.

I ran over to Lachlan and helped him stand up, there was already a bruise blooming on his face. I put an arm around him and helped him walk towards the door.

"Hunter's going to pay for this one." He grumbled.

I rolled my eyes, unfortunately knowing that Hunter would win every time.

Only For YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora