Authors Note

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Hii, so this story was originally called 'I not Him' but I named it that when i had no idea what the story was going to be about. But since writing the story I found that "Only For You" was a much more fitting title, sorry for the confusion :)

But thank you to everyone that has supported me through the journey of writing this story, it genuinely means the world to me and I couldn't be more thankful for your support, without you I probably would have given up on this story a long time ago.

Thank you for allowing me to finally believe in my dreams. <3

I am currently re-writing the wording of this story, since after a couple of months I cringe at some of the thing I have written, so bare with me if things seem a little out of shape in the next couple of weeks.

p.s if you search my name on spotify(@oreforbooks) I have made a playlist that you can listen to while you read this story. it's still called 'I Not Him'.

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