
13K 441 35

It was evening and Tae was in his room talking to his mother.

On the phone:

Tae:No mumma this is a friendly date ..

Mrs Kim: Oh my baby bear  don't be sad .I don't think so....all the best for your first date..cheer up ..

Tae: mmmm!! Mumma please..stop it.. he will never like me back(low voice)..

Mr Kim: Yes he will never like you cause he already loves you(smiling)..

Tae: How do u know? U don't even know him.

Mrs Kim: Mumma knows everything.. now get ready okay? And take care of yourself.. be safe hmm? I have told Selugi everything..

Tae: Okay mumma..bye..I love you and I am missing you..

Mrs Kim: Mumma also missing her baby bear..I love you too bear..bye .

Tae hung up and stood infront of his little cupboard...

Tae: What should I wear.. He will surely look handsome as always.. I atleast have to look little bit okay(pouting sadly)..

With that Tae started getting ready.

Time Skip:

At exactly 6:50 Jungkook reached infront of Tae's house..

Jungkook was not that type of guy who will be nervous about something. He has dealt with big projects at this age. Also attended meetings on behalf of his father.
He never was nervous kind of guy. He was always confident and charming guy.

But today he felt a little nervous for the first time. Not because it's his first date but he has planned something special and he was little anxious about Tae's reaction. Even though he knows Tae has feeling for him but he is not sure if Tae want Jungkook just like Jungkook wants Taehyung.

Keeping all his thoughts he pressed the calling bell.

Just after few second a smiling selugi opened the door and welcomed him in...

JK: Good evening aunty..

Selugi: Good evening son.please sit I will just call Tae okay?

Jungkook nodded..

Selugi left to call Tae...

Jungkook saw Sengun coming towards him..

JK: Hello Uncle (bowing little)..

Sengun: Hello son.. I am happy to  know you like our bear . Please don't hurt him son..I know you will never but still he is still a child from inside..

JK: Uncle please don't worry. I love Taehyung and I will not dare to hurt him. Even if he doesn't want me I will leave him happily. I will respect his every decision and only his happiness matters..

Sengun smiled feeling contented..

Sengun: Taehyung is blessed to have you ..

JK: But I am more blessed that he is in my life .

Sengun smiled..

Just then Tae came downstairs with Selugi..

Selugi: Now you two can go .. and take care of him and yourself okay??

Jungkook nodded
JK: Yes aunty..(smiled)..

Just after Tae came from behind aunty and Jeon Jungkook felt his heart flippied 2 times straight..

He gulped and couldn't help but to look at Tae head to toe ...

Selugi chukled seeing Jungkook whereas Sengun tried to look another way.

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