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On the phone:

Tae: Hello(low voice)..

JK: With whom you were talking?(little stern).....

Tae: um.. it's Chimmy...

JK: What time is it?

Tae: 11:45..

JK: Then why you are still awake?

Tae:I was studying but Chimmy called me..(pouting)..

Jk:Okay.. now sleep and I will pick you up at 8. Okay?

Tae: Y-you don't have to(cut off by Jungkook)..

JK: I didn't ask Tae.  Now sleep..and take care of yourself hm?I love you...

Tae:Y-you too take care of yourself.. sweet night..(Tae hung up hurriedly)...

Tae:Dummy Tae!! Why did you cut the call (pouting).. u should have replied.but it's too much(whinning)....oh god, I can't believe he is my boyfriend (shyly snuggling his face in pillow)... I should sleep now ..

Next Morning:

Tae woke up at 6:30. He quickly got ready and started making breakfast for three of them.

Tae: Should I take some cookies for Sunbae?(mumbled)..

He then packed some cookies for Jungkook...

After breakfast Uncle and Aunty bade goodbye to Tae who was doing the dishes.

He quickly did the dishes and was now waiting for Jungkook.

Soon the bell ranged and Tae happily opened the door..

JK: Good morning .

Tae felt so shy under his gaze. His cheeks became red..

Tae: Good morning Sunbae (small voice).. I will just lock the door .

Tae attempted to leave but Jungkook gentle held his delicate wrist and handed him a bunch of beautiful flowers...

Tae(gasped): This is so beautiful (boxy smile)..

JK: Not more than you(staring at tae)..

Tae: Um..i-i will just keep it in my room .

Tae hurriedly left . Jungkook chukled at his adorable boyfriend..

Tae put those flowers in a vase and came downstairs.

Then both of them left to college.

On reaching the college gate  Tae spoke.

Tae: I think I should go from here alone...

Jungkook forrowed his eyebrows.

JK: And why is that?

Tae: people will see we came together everyday (looking at Jungkook with doe eyes)...

JK: And why is that an issue?

Tae: They will know that we are with fingers)...

JK: We are what Tae?

Tae: W-we..

JK: Hmm tell ..I am all ears..

Tae: together (mumbled)...

Jungkook chukled and parked his car...

He came outside and opened the gate for Tae who came out silently...

Jungkook gently cupped tae's face.

JK: You don't want people to know we are in a relationship??

Tae: It's not like that(low voice)...

JK: Then it's what?

Tae just  looked down...

Jungkook hated the fact that Tae was feeling uncomfortable...He can sense how much Tae was uncomfortable. How much he was insecure.

He knew unless and until they both don't open up to each other Tae will continue being like this...

JK: I am so happy that I have you all to myself Tae.. and I will tell the whole world that you are mine.. I am not playing around. When I say I love you I mean it ...And don't think about what other say... We should only focus on

Tae smiled and nodded..

JK: And one more thing I don't want you to be too much close to it(possessive tone)..

Tae for the first time saw Jungkook like this.. He can understand how much of a possesive man was Jungkook..

Tae: I won't (slightly scared)..

JK: You better.. cause I don't think I will like that even a bit.

Tae Nodded a little..

Jungkook gently held Tae's hand and both went inside the Art building...

Jungkook came infront of Tae's class..

JK: Now go inside and meet me at lunch hm?(Tae nodded)..

Jungkook lightly kissed tae's forehead and left leaving a tomato behind.

Tae shyly smiled once and sat on his sit.

Tae noticed that after the canteen incident nobody disturbed him. It's not like people don't like him. Everyone in his class adores the small boy very much,Just except some spoiled students. But nobody dares to come to Tae as everyone has an idea untill now that Tae must be someone special to Jeon Jungkook as they both come to college together and sits at lunch together. And the cold faced Jungkook whom nobody dares to talk now smiles for a small boy of fresher year.

Jungkook was also in his class. He was thinking how he can spend some time with Tae. He never had any kind of relationships with someone so he is very new to dating thing. So he doesn't want to messed up by hurting his Tae .

Like this the class time was over.

Jungkook came to canteen and saw Tae was not here. So he thought to go to Tae's classroom. He went inside art building and was on the way to the classroom but the scene infront of him made him angry.

There Tae was standing being all nervous and a boy was holding a rose infront of him...

Jungkook can understand what the situation is like. He knows the boy who is proposing Tae. The guy is also from business department. He is not a bad guy. But Jungkook didn't like the idea of some other guy proposing HIS boyfriend...

Jungkook took long steps towards them...

??? Please Taehyung be my boyfriend...

Jk: No he won't (sternly)..

??? tunred around and saw Jungkook standing with a poker face...

JK: He won't accept you Bogum..(cold voice)..

Bogum: Jungkook.. but why are you telling this?(little annoyed)..

Jk: Ask him.. why I am telling this(smirked)...

Bogum: Taehyung tell me will you accept me?

Tae: I can't.. I am sorry..

Bogum: But why.. just give me a chance...(desperately)..

JK: Enough now.. Listen this boy here Kim Taehyung is my boyfriend.. and I don't want anything like this to repeat (angry but still calm voice)...

Bogum: What!! Is it true Taehyung?

Tae: Yes ..

Bogum became sad and looked at Tae sadly..

Bogum: I am sorry Jungkook ..I didn't know you two are in a relationship. I mean I saw both of you together. But I never thought you to be in any relationship.. but I know how much of a adorable boy is Taehyung. Anyone will fall for you.. I am sorry taehyung for making you uncomfortable..

Tae: It's okay.. you didn't know(little smile)...*

Bogum: I will leave (smile)...

Tae nodded smiling...

Jungkook poked his inner cheek by his tongue watching Bogum's disappearing figure. Then looked at Tae .


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