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Tae went inside house and saw Selugi and Sengun sitting on couch.

Selugi: Tae, how was your date?(smiling)..

Tae forced a smile and nodded..

Tae: It was nice..

Sengun frowned

Sengun: Son, everything okay?

Tae: Y-yes uncle.. um.. I am sleepy .. Good night...
Tae hurriedly left.

Sengun: Go and talk to him..(worried)..

Selugi: Don't worry.. you go and sleep. I will come later.

Selugi went upstairs in Tae's room...

In Tae's room;

Tae changed his clothes and sat on bed. Without realising fat tears rolled down his cheeks..

Just then selugi came inside his room.

Seeing Tae crying he hugged the small boy tightly.

Selugi: Bear what happened? (Worried).. did anything happened?

Tae shook his head as no..

Selugi: Look at me son.. please tell me.. we can't see you cry son...(cupping Tae's face)..

Tae: He confessed that he l-loves me(sniffing)...

Selugi smiled brightly

Selugi: And what did you say?

Tae again started sobbing

Tae: i-i didn't say anything.. I disappointed him(crying)..

Selugi: No bear.. you didn''s okay to take your time.. he is enough mature to understand.. don't cry..

Tae: Really?

Selugi: Yes bear.. and why didn't you answer though..  are you comfortable telling me?

Tae: I-i... (Fiddling with fingers)..

Selugi smiled..

Selugi: It's okay.. Don't stress.. go to sleep.. tomorrow you have college..

Tae nodded..

Selugi lastly kissed tae's forehead and left...

Tae quickly arranged his backpack and dress for the next day and slept...

On the other side:

Jungkook directly went to his parents house..

Seeing Jungkook Mrs Jeon was beyond happy but she knew something is wrong with Jungkook.

So after dinner she decided to talk to Jungkook..

Currently Jungkook was laying placing his head on his mother's lap..

Mrs Jeon: Son, don't think negatively.. You yourself told he is like a baby.. you have to be strong .. I know it's new for you just give him sometime.

JK: Thanks mom..

Mrs Jeon kissed Jungkook's forehead.

Mrs Jeon:Now sleep.. I am here ...

Jungkook smiled and slept hugging his mother...

Time Skip next morning:

After waking up the first thing Tae did was calling his mother and telling everything...

His mother knew his son's reasons without him telling...
After talking Tae went to college as usual..

He came to know Jimin is having a dance competition and that's why he won't be joining classes for few days...

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