2| Luck

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Chapter 2: Luck (Rhys' POV)

"Well, you shouldn't have a problem then. Because you never thought I was worth it anyway," she spat back before walking past me, her arm brushing against mine. 

I sighed, turning around and glaring at the back of her head while she strutted off. God, I hate her. I really, genuinely hate her. I looked back over at Brooke, who I was concerned would knock down the vase she's standing next to if she had another drink. She grabbed another glass of champagne from a waiter and leaned against the round table that held the vase. 

"Where's your fucking brother?" I mumbled, looking around. I spotted him near the entrance, pointing around and talking to the new head of security, the one who'd be taking over once Ashton quits. I sighed in annoyance and walked over to Brooke, grabbing her drink and pouring it into the vase. It's a dead plant anyway, all the leaves are dried up. 

"You—" She turned to curse at me but stopped, her eyes meeting mine. 

"Hello," I nodded, handing her the empty glass. 

She looked at it, then back at me. "What was that for?" 

"You're drinking an awful lot." 

She narrowed her eyes. "Shouldn't you be entertaining your guests?" 

"I am." 

"I'm not a guest, we come here all the time," she scoffed. "Why don't you go do something else? Other than bothering me, hmm? Go talk to Ashton or... go bother Ava." 

"I do that enough." 

"Yeah, why do you?" 

I shrugged, looking at the crowd in the room. "She's annoying." 

"You were two peas in a pod as kids," she snorted. 

I rolled my eyes at her. "People change." 

"Right," she said slowly. "Did she change or did you?" 

I stared at her, feeling discomfort surge through my entire body. Thinking about the past never makes me comfortable. I don't like remembering what happened, what I hate even more is continuing it to this day. 

"Hello, hello." We looked forward as Ashton approached standing beside me. "What are you two doing?" 

"I was just leaving to get another drink since Rhys took mine." Brooke walked away, not looking back once. 

"What's happening?" Ashton asked. 

"Your sister's a bitch." 

"Okay," he stopped talking. "Which one?" 

I looked at him in confusion. "Is there a right answer?" 

"There is. And it's not Ava." 

"It is," I argued. "She is a bitch." 

"I'm going to pretend you didn't just say that." 

"But she is." 

"Stop talking." 

"No, she is though." 

"Stop talking, Rhys," he huffed. 

"She is." 

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