17| History

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Chapter 17: History (Ava's POV)

We both stood at the entrance of his room, staring into it. It's his room, the one he's always had, but he made changes. Changes for a wife. He never had a vanity, he has a huge one now with multiple drawers. His room has always been neutral, it's completely black so he didn't necessarily need any interior changes and I love the color black for the interior anyway. 

His desk was cleaned up a bit, half of it left empty for me. I bet even half of the bathroom was emptied out. And the closet. And the side of the bed he's giving to me. His entire room, everything in it, was split in half, perfectly done for husband and wife. 

"Do I really have to stay—" 

"Yes," he cut me off. 

"Can't I just—" 


I let out a breath, glancing around the room once more. The black velvet headboard, the books sticking out of the shelf, too many to count, the little pieces of paper sticking out of some books. I'm tempted to pull those out and read them, I want to know what they are. 

It feels foreign what Rhys and I are doing. We didn't even talk properly for three years until now and then now we're suddenly expected to act like we're in love. When we did talk, I knew every little thing about him and he knew everything about me. And now it's like I know nothing but I'm expected to know everything. 

"But why can't I—" 


I sighed, staring at him with my arms folded across my chest. 

"Let's not argue for one night, at least on our wedding night, hmm? Why don't you get changed, or if you want to do something else, we can do that too." 


"Or you," he shrugged. 

"I'll just go change," I mumbled, walking to the closet and pulling it open. The second I walked in, it smelled like Rhys, of course, it did, they're his clothes in his closet. But it's overwhelming. And I hate it. 

As long as we were together, I was never able to take his shirts or jackets when I wanted, he couldn't give them to me no matter how much he wanted to. We'd get caught. That's not the worst part though, the worst part was that I didn't know and I still don't know why we couldn't afford to get caught and we had to hide our relationship. But Rhys had made it clear from the very beginning that we weren't allowed to be together and since we were, we couldn't tell anyone. And from the day we got into a relationship up until the day he left me, he never told me why. 

"Why are you frozen?" he whispered in my ear from behind, his lips brushing against the shell. 

I gasped, spinning around, getting startled, to say the least. 

He was leaning down to meet my height with his hands tucked behind his back. He chuckled, staring at me in amusement. "You still look cute when you're startled." 

My brows furrowed. "I'm sorry, what? Did you just call me cute?" 

"Did I?" 

"You did." 

"Then I guess I did." He straightened up, grabbing a pair of sweatpants for himself. I noticed that he didn't grab a t-shirt. "Why? Am I not allowed to call my wife cute?" 

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