30| Interrogation

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Chapter 30: Interrogation (Rhys' POV)

"I'll go check the staff quarters, you can check downstairs, okay?" I raised my brows at her. 

She nodded and we split up. 

I checked the staff quarters and backyard but they were empty since it's the middle of the day and everyone was just working. Except for Mr. Rufus, who's nowhere to be found. I was walking back into the lobby when I heard two voices. Ava's and someone else's. A guy. Liam, to be specific. I lingered behind the staircase and eavesdropped. 

"What are you doing here?" Ava questioned, her voice stern and angry, demanding an answer. 

"I'm looking for the council members. Where are they?" 

"Do you really think you can just stroll in here and demand whatever you want, Liam?" 

I watched them carefully. 

"Spit it out, pretty little Ava, where are they?" 

"I'm not telling you anything." She folded her arms across her chest. 

He grabbed her arm, yanking her closer to him and my hands clenched into fists while I worked my jaw, holding myself back from going there and punching him square in the jaw. She pulled herself free and gave him a push. "Am I going to have to hurt you, Ava? Just to find out where the council members are?" He laughed dryly. "Or am I going to have to hurt your husband?" 

She fell quiet, her stance faltering. He saw that and took great delight in it. 

"Where are the council members?" 

"They left," she spat venomously. "Your little plan didn't work, Liam, I guess you're not even capable of doing that. Is there anything I can interest you in, huh? Because if not, then get the hell out of here." 

As much as I love my little Spitfire wife, I don't want her to be spitting that fire when he is in the position of power. I took a breath so I wouldn't beat half, if not all the life out of him, and walked over. "What are you doing here?" I asked, pretending not to have heard their entire previous conversation. 

"I came looking for the council members. I guess that didn't work, huh?" He gave me a cold smile. 

"No. It didn't. Which is why I suggest you get the hell out of the palace. This place isn't yours, Liam. You're not allowed to stroll in and out as you please, and I'll make sure security knows that starting today." 

"Get out, Liam," Ava huffed. 

His eyes moved from mine to her, his jaw ticking. He took a step forward but I grabbed her arm and pulled her behind me, standing between the two of them. He glowered at me while I took a step forward. 

"You'll never be king, Liam. You simply weren't born with that blood running through you. So get the fuck out. Before I call the guards." 

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