28| Glowing

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Chapter 28: Glowing (Rhys' POV)

By the time we got downstairs for dinner, my parents had arrived and freshened up. We left the room but I pulled her back before we made it to the stairs. 

"What?" She stared at me in confusion. I leaned back down, kissing her again. She smiled against my lips before pulling away. "Your parents are waiting for us, come on," she laughed softly, taking my hand and leading the way downstairs. I was expecting her to let go of my hand when we walked into the room, but she made no move to do that. 

"Hello," my mom sang, looking at us, smiling. 

"Hi," we replied in sync while sitting down. I caught the look my mom sent to my dad before covering it up. 

"So, what did you two do today?" Dad asked. 

"Not much," Ava cleared her throat. "We went swimming in the lake." 

"Oh, how was that?" Mom questioned. 

"It was great," I nodded. 

"Huh, all right," she chuckled. 

My eyes narrowed. "What is it, mom?" 

"Nothing, honey. It's just... she's glowing." She gestured to Ava. 

"Glowing?" We mumbled simultaneously. 

"Oh, forget it," Mom waved a dismissive hand, "why don't we talk about something else?" 

Yes, please. 

"It's almost been a month since your wedding now," Dad said. "Do you think you're ready?" 

I fell into thought. 

"Ready for what?" Ava wondered. 

"In our family, the prince is crowned king either one month or three months after his wedding. They're considered to be the most important months because all eyes are on the newlywed couple. It's good to be crowned at the peak of your relationship, it works well in favor of the prince," Dad explained and then turned his attention to me again. "So, do you think you're ready or would you like to wait a few months longer?" 

I took in a breath, glancing over at Ava. We both know what risks come with being king and queen. I don't think it's a good idea to be crowned before knowing all the possible outcomes. We need more information before I step up. 

"I need a few more weeks," I concluded. 

"Why don't you get crowned at the end of the new month?" Mom suggested. "It'll be within the time frame and you'll have plenty of time to think until then. Hmm?" 

I nodded. "That sounds great." 

After a while, dinner was served and then we all retired to our bedrooms. After we changed and got ready for bed, Ava sat up against the headboard and I put my head in her lap, placing her hand in my hair so she could run her fingers through it while I thought some more about the upcoming events. 

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