33| Epilogue

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Chapter 33: Epilogue (Rhys' POV)

Three years later...

God, I hate the hospital. Ever since I ended up here after the crash and the shooting, I hated coming here. Too many bad memories of Ava crying. I could hear her. The three days I was out, I heard her every word. She begged me to wake up and no matter how badly I wanted to, it was like my body just wouldn't listen. When I finally managed to wake up, everything eased its way back to normal. I was discharged three days after I woke up, I had to stay at home for quite some time, recovering completely. 

I never bothered to hear about Liam, but I knew. He was arrested, he went to trial here, and instead of punishment, he was sentenced to be thrown out of Kilthorne, so he's gone for good now. Everything worked out. 

Anyhow, back to why I'm at the hospital again. I was in the library barely an hour ago, leaning against the shelf, watching in amusement while Ava struggled to grab a book even though she was standing on the ladder. I looked away for one second. One second! I looked away for one goddamn second when I saw our gardener outside. And low and behold, she fell. I managed to catch her and keep her from falling onto her front or back or hit her head, but she fell straight onto her ankle. 

"You are unbelievable, Ava, I mean really. I looked for one second. Just one!" 

"Well, you shouldn't have! This is your fault, you refused to help me grab the book." 

"Why that damn book?" 

"I hid poetry in it for you," she scolded. 

I glanced at her while driving us to the hospital. "How am I supposed to know that?" 

"You would know if you didn't look away, Rhys." 

I sighed and grabbed her hand, moving it to the gear with mine. She huffed, pulling it away. "Hey," I sang, bringing it back. "We'll get you checked and bandaged up and you'll be fine, let's not worry." I parked the car and walked to her side, scooping her up. I kicked the door shut and she took the keys from me, locking the door. 

"Oh, this is familiar," she teased, looking at me. 

"What is?" I walked up the stairs and took her inside. 

"You carry me like this to the shower all the time. Then I rock my legs back and forth like– Ow!" She winced upon her try. 

I shot her a pointed look and she stopped, pecking my jaw when nobody was looking. 

As soon as we walked in, the receptionist shot up. "The king's here!" she announced. Everybody worked faster. 

I rolled my eyes. "Thank you, Janine." 

She chuckled, shrugging. "It's fun watching people panic. What can I do for you, sir?" 

"Well, my wife needs to see her doctor. Is Ms. Maya here?" Maya as in Mr. Rufus' daughter. Yes, that Maya. 

She nodded. "Go ahead to your usual room, I'll send her right in." 

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