3| Panic

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Chapter 3: Panic (Ava's POV)

We were on our way back home when Ashton told us tomorrow's plan. "We're having lunch at the palace tomorrow." 

"Why?" Brooke asked from the backseat. 

"They invited us. I don't know why," he shrugged. 

I stared out the window feeling exhausted, not just from being awake until this hour, one in the morning, but also from my interactions with Rhys tonight. I haven't spoken to him this much in a really long time, that too so bluntly and all about our past. That became a forbidden subject right after it happened. It was forbidden to begin with, actually. 

We parked in the driveway and saw that our parents weren't home yet, but we let ourselves in and called it a night, going into our own rooms. 

Nobody knows what happened between Rhys and me. Nobody but him and me. And now he's getting married this year. Wow. 

I sat at the foot of my bed and began working my heels off. I heard my parents' car arrive and then a minute later I heard the front door unlock. 

The two cars. It's really something that makes me laugh. There are some people in this town that hate my family, and others who like us or simply don't care. All because my father has been working with the king since the beginning of time. So obviously, our family is close to the royal family, we get some perks by working with them, my father gets paid very well, his job is basically doing what it's meant to do. Be an income source. Some people don't like that, they're jealous, others just don't care. 

I, for one, couldn't care less. I don't care if we live in a house or a mansion, if we have one car or none, I really don't care. I don't even have a real job. I just help out at the dance studio in town for little kids. It's a part-time thing, that's all. 

Kilthorne is really backward in some ways. Women still are expected just to be married and have kids. We're not held back, if we want to work, we have every opportunity, but most women just don't. It's just not something we're really informed on so it's easier to follow expectations in this kingdom. Or any kingdom, for that matter. Except for Zariya. I wish we lived in Zariya where even the queen works and runs her own boutique. That would do so much for the women. 

I changed into pajamas and got ready for bed, falling asleep within fifteen minutes. 

"Wakey, wakey, up and at 'em Ava!" 

I groaned, rubbing my eyes open and looking at the door where Ashton stood. "What?" I asked, my voice hoarse. 

"We're leaving in an hour." 

How is it the next day already? It feels like I just went to sleep. I whined and crawled out of bed while gathering my hair in a bun. 

"Don't be late," he said. 

"I won't," I mumbled, opening my closet and grabbing a decent dress. I took a quick shower, brushing my hair, and slicked it up into a high ponytail, wearing a silk scrunchie in my hair that matched my dress, and then I put on black heels. I powdered my face a little and then put on perfume before going downstairs. I walked into the living area, scoffing at Ashton. "See. I'm not the one you should have told not to be late. I'm never late." I sat between them. "Right, dad?" 

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