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{ Daenerys }


𝕮oren stood to Daenerys' right, his arms folded across his chest as they entered back into the now, quite familiar, large courtyard. He didn't like this, the whole plan, and Drogon's screaming and crying in the crate wasn't making it any better. 

He wasn't exactly sure what the plan was, but all he knew was that Daenerys wasn't going to give her dragon up, so something was happening with Drogon.

Guards bustled around them, along with the citizens of Astapor and Coren shared a brief look with Missandei, who was the newest person to come into Daenerys' service. The woman was quiet, timid and never quite met his eye, but she seemed nice enough. Unlike most people who came to seek out Daenerys, she seemed kind and sweet, and unlikely to hurt a fly.

The sound of the master, Kraznys, speaking High Valyrian drifted towards them causing Missandei to translate swiftly.

"The master says they are untested. He says you would be wise to blood them early." Coren hummed at the thought, sharing a look with Barristan Selmy, who stood behind him with Jorah. Daenerys did not meet any of their eyes. "There are many small cities between here and there, cities ripe for sacking. Should you take captives, the masters will buy the healthy ones and for a good price."

They began to walk past rows and rows of soldiers, dressed in black leather armour and staring straight forward. There were masses of these soldiers, enough to destroy even the largest Dothraki hoard. Drogon screeched again, bumping around in his cage as Coren watched the back of Daenerys' head.

"And who knows? In ten years, some of the boys you send them may be Unsullied in their turn." Missandei continued to translate as they came to a stop in front of Kraznys. "Thus, all shall prosper."

Daenerys nodded, before turning back to the crate. Coren watched her walk over to it, undoing the binds on the door and opening it to help Drogon out of the crate. The dragon screeched, stretching his wings and flying into the air as Daenerys held onto him with the chain that was attached to his foot. For a moment, Daenerys' violet eyes met Coren, and he was met by steely determination.

He shot her a grin in response. If she was this confident then he would trust in her.

She passed Drogon over to Kraznys, who handed her a leather whip in response. He barely paid her any heed, staring up at the dragon greedily though Coren knew that it was a fool's hope for the man to ever control the dragon. Drogon was the most wilful of all four dragons, known for his inability to follow orders or listen to anyone apart from Daenerys.

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