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{ Coren }


"𝕷ord Coren." Coren froze, scowling at the title before shifting to find Ser Barristan walking towards him. 

"Ser Barristan. I have told you to please not call me that." Coren's scowl deepened, picking at the scars on his knuckles as the older man joined his side. "Coren works just fine."

"I have noticed that it is was most called you but I did not think it was appropriate." Ser Barristan bowed his head. "Walk with me, if you would."

"Aye." Coren nodded. They were preparing to greet more soldiers that could help them to fight though Ser Barristan was not best pleased at using mercenaries, and if Coren was to admit it, then he would join Ser Barristan in that thought.

"I thought, over our last proper conversation. The one about your family." Ser Barristan explained. "I told you that I would think on it and perhaps it would come to me when we fought. But, a few days ago, when we had that meeting with the Master from Yunkai, and I watched how you interacted with the dragons and the queen and it came to me that evening."

"It did?" Coren twisted, eyes growing wide and Ser Barristan would admit that this was the first time that he had seen this sort of expression on the young man. Normally, the warrior was wearing a grin that had most contemplating whether they should hit him, or his face was contorted into a scowl, but this look was different. It was hopeful and almost childlike in a sense. "What do you remember?"

"The story we were told, I am sorry if it has holes in it because my nursemaid told me this when I was a child, this story was a cautionary tale, meant to warn others what excess pride was likely to do to you." Ser Barristan explained.

Coren's eyebrows furrowed. That was not what he was expecting.

"We were always told that the downfall for House Targaryen, the downfall of House Thorne began because a minor Lord fell in love with a dragon." Ser Barristan explained as Coren look away. This story was already hitting a little too close to home. Was he to doom both his and Daenerys' house again because he cared so deeply for the queen? "From what I can recall, the Princess of the time, she was the heir to the Iron Throne, set to be married to her cousin or uncle or another powerful figure but instead, she walked into a minor Lord from the Crownlands, the Thorne heir."

Coren spotted Falkor creeping towards them, shooting the dragon a narrowed eyed glare as he tried to focus on the story.

"She persuaded her father to marry the pair and they did, but the Thorne Lord became too cocky, too confident in her position and her protection and made enemies." Ser Barristan was watching the warrior, trying to read his facial expression and gauge what it meant. "He began a fight, challenged a man in a duel to the death and lot. He lost, killed and it started the downfall of the Targaryen's of the time. The princess, the Thorne Lord and all their bloodline were wiped out in a fell swoop soon after. The Thorne house had to raise themselves from the ashes, all thanks to the Lord's brother, and ever since then, the luck of the Targaryens and the Thornes have been equally as poor."

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