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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐖𝐎 | A companion

𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐖𝐎 | A companion

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{ Coren }


𝕮oren looked over to the side of the caravan, seeing Daenerys sitting on her mare and watching it all go past. Urging his horse forward, Coren came to a stop on the other side of her.

"Are you okay, my lady?" When sober, Coren did know how to behave towards someone of higher status. Normally, he wasn't sober enough to care but a long ride meant no drinking for him less he want to fall off his horse.

"Everything hurts." She said lightly, as she tried to stretch her back. Coren nodded, though he felt awkward on the inside. What was he supposed to say to that?

"Here, take these." Daenerys looked up, as Coren pulled his finger-less gloves off and passed them over to her. "They have extra padding on the palm where you grip the reins." 

Daenerys reached over and took them from him, slipping them on and doing them up as she sighed in relief. 

"Thank you, Ser."

"I'm no Ser." Coren replied, before handing her a strip of dried meat. "I left Westeros too young to be knighted. What?"

"Isn't there anything else?" Daenerys asked, as she tried and failed to bite the horse meat off.

"The Dothraki have two things in abundance; grass and horses." Coren gave his own horse a slight kick, as Daenerys followed, still nibbling on the horse meat. "People can't live on grass."

She nodded, before pausing as Drogo rode past, barely sparing the pair a glance. Coren noticed how the girl tensed up, looking between the two.

"I..." He trailed off, not sure of what to say. "I can't say that the whole thing with Drogo will get easier, because I'm not a woman and I don't know what you're going through, but if you ever want to vent at someone, I'm here."

Daenerys looked at him in surprise.

"Thank you, Ser." Coren's face crumpled in disgust once more, before he shook his head.

"Gods above, no." Daenerys looked shocked at his words, having never heard someone say that. "Please, call me Coren."

She nodded warily, before sighing and going back to nibbling at the meat, as Coren surveyed the caravan and laughed at Viserys' state ahead of them.

"Does Viserys know how to ride?" He looked down at the smaller woman, who shook her head timidly. "Thought so, he looks like a sack of potatoes."

She laughed, before covering it up, looking terrified as she stared at Viserys' back. Coren looked between the two again, before realising that his thoughts from before were trued. He rested a hand on the pommel of his sword, before taking a deep breath in and trying to stop himself from drawing it.

"If he ever does anything again, tell me." Coren spoke quietly, as Daenerys looked up at him with wide eyes. "I'll be more than happy to remove his hands for you."

If there was one thing that Coren hated more than anything in the world, it was those who laid a hand on others that were weaker or less protected than themselves. They disgusted him and if he was able to rid the world of those sorts of people, then he would gladly do it.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Daenerys replied, looking away quickly.

"Yes, you do." She glanced back at him, watching his glare lessen as he finally let go of the hilt of the sword. "I'm to be your guard now, for who knows how long. If that means I have to defend you against him, I will. If that means I have to defend you against the Khal, I will because that's what my job entails."

"Thank you, Coren." Daenerys said, smiling up at him.

"You're very welcome, my lady." He grinned his normal trouble making grin, the serious nature of the talk being broken.

"Coren!" A voice called from behind him, as Jorah appeared, looking pissed with the man. "Come and ride with me."

"Of course." Coren replied, before shooting Daenerys a smile, and pulling his horse back until he was in line with Jorah. "Yes?"

"You are not supposed to be talking to her." Jorah hissed.

"And who is? You?" Coren rolled his eyes.


Camp had already been set up by the time they arrived, and Coren slid down from his horse, glad for the solid floor beneath him once more. Looking up, he noticed Jorah helping Daenerys down from her horse, and rolled his eyes.

Apparently, talking and interacting with her was now forbidden, which would be pretty much impossible considering he was set to be her guard. It wasn't like he was going to be following those rules anyway, as Viserys came walking towards him and Jorah.

Narrowing his eyes, Coren wandered over to listen to their conversation.

"I have no interest in hospitality or comfort." Viserys had that same grin on that made Coren want to hit him. "I'll stay with Drogo until he fulfills his end of the bargain and I have my crown."

"As you wish, your grace." Jorah replied, as Coren came to a stop beside him, watching the interaction with a blank stare. 

"Well, Mormont, as brutish as this life is, I suppose it is preferable to beheading." Coren's lip curled into a silent snarl, knowing where this was all going. "What did Ned Stark want you for? Buying from a slaver?"

"Selling to one." Jorah reluctantly replied. "Some poachers I caught on my land."

Viserys began to smile, a malevolent grin that Coren did not like. In fact, Coren just didn't like the princeling in general.

"Under my reign, you won't be punished for such nonsense. You can rest assured of that." Viserys sent the pair another grin, before walking off to go and torment someone else.

"I don't like that smug, little prick." Coren hissed in Jorah's ear, still glaring in the man's general direction. 

"Keep that thought to yourself. He's the future king." Coren rolled his eyes.

"Some king he'll be." Jorah began to walk alongside Coren, as they headed off in the opposite direction. "He beats his sister. That does not make him a good king."

"I know. But we don't have a say in lineage." Jorah hissed, as they went to find their own tents. "Viserys is next in line to the throne, nothing can change that."


So, Coren's actually pretty observant despite his normally drunken state and he doesn't like Viserys, but who does really? Anyhow, let me know your thoughts on the chapter and what you thinks going to happen next.

Thanks and see you on Monday for another update,

Love Li xx

Angela ───── D. TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now