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{ Coren }


𝕿he battleground was littered with bodies and fires, as the Dothraki continued to rampage through it, destroying everything that they touched. Statues were pulled down, houses set aflame, and a cacophony of screaming echoed through Coren's ears.

"I thought Dothraki didn't believe in money," Coren looked back at Daenerys, who's eyebrows were furrowed in confusion. Coren slowed down to walk on the other side of her, ignoring Jorah's stare.

"Well, they don't," He replied, before looking around again in distaste. "But you do need gold to hire ships, Khaleesi. Ships are needed to sail to Westeros."

Daenerys shot him an unimpressed look, but Coren only grinned in response. The Targaryen girl shook her head, and turned back to look at the carnage. Women were rounded up and penned in like animals at a food market, whilst the men were simply slaughtered where they stood. It was harsh but the Dothraki way.

"Jorah, make them stop," The older knight stopped glaring at Coren, to turn and face Daenerys with a raised eyebrow.

"What, Khaleesi?"

"You heard me," Jorah looked between the angry Dothraki men and the Khaleesi once more, as Daenerys watched on in disgust.

"These men have shed blood for their Khal," Jorah tried to reason with the Khaleesi, but she didn't seem to be listening to anything that he said. "Now, they claim their rewards."

Rakharo also began to speak, as Coren stretched. He was still sore from fighting with the Dothraki man two nights earlier and he knew that he wouldn't be able to understand what the man was saying even if he tried.

"Princess, you have a gentle heart," Coren looked at Daenerys with wide eyes, as the woman spun around to glare at him, "but this is how it's always been."

"I do not have a gentle heart, Ser," She spat the word out like it was poison, knowing how much Coren hated it. The man scowled as Daenerys turned to Jorah. "Do as I command or Khal Drogo will know the reason why."

That seemed to scare both of the men into action, as they ran off to try and stop the Khalasar from pillaging and raping their way through the Lhazareen.

"Khaleesi, this is what war looks like," Coren murmured, watching as Jorah and Rakharo ran around getting into arguments with other members of the Dothraki hoard. "It may not be pretty, but this is unfortunately what happens."

"I can not accept that," Daenerys said simply, as Jorah helped one of the women to their feet. "Bring her to me. And those women there."

"You cannot claim them all, Princess," Jorah tried to reason with her, but Daenerys seemed to be having none of it.

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