cleona <3

741 13 0

1. no
2. no
3. ofc
4. yes
5. yep
6. nah
7. nope

8. im a minor
9. September 28
10. wym status?
13. idk
14. i also don't know

15. i like my friends???
16. i love my friends, no homo ofc <3
17. nope
18. eventually yeah
19. no
20. yep
21. what

22. Bo Burnham
23. cant decide
24. my current favorite is Body by: mother mother
25. The Good Place
26. axolotl
27. i have too many, can't choose
28. any shade of blue

29. facebook
30. twitter
31. facebook
32. coke
33. idk i don't drink either
34. pizza
35. :|
36. :D

37. yep
38. yes, but i ain't giving birth to them
39. probably not
40. yeah why not?
41. no no no
42. yep
43. my parents would kill me, so no

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