12 | Cleansing the Past Struggles

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"Amalie really wasn't kidding when she said it was hurricane season on the islands," I yelled over the blistering winds and nearly sidewards rain hitting my umbrella as we got out of the rental car and ran towards the bank doors.

"Yeah, there's less tourists around this time so it's perfect for a romantic getaway!" Tom yelled back, his joke not being as funny as he expected since it was fucking miserable outside. Shaking his umbrella of its raindrops he laughed, before leaving it in the foyer of the building.

"If I get sick from this storm you better make it up to me with an actual romantic holiday," I joked, receiving a kiss on the cheek from Tom as he apologised for the fact he had to meet with his banker alone. I nodded, okay with it but confused as to why I had to come here with him in the first place. When I asked, he said 'I dunno, for the fun car ride?'.

Tom really didn't take long at all before he exited the elevator with a grin and told me everything was fixed up. Seriously? We had to fly to basically Mexico and back, just for a fucking weekend and it took ten minutes? This is bullshit.

I mean, taking a private jet was definitely an experience I'll never forget. And the private villa Tom rented is incredible... Even if it is only for one fucking night. Whoever did this just wants to watch my jet lagged ass suffer.

"Did you find out who your 'wife' was?" I asked, standing up from the lobby couches and walking with Tom to retrieve our umbrellas again.

"Nope, but whoever it was used a fake ID and a fake passport to do it... Only like twenty grand is missing so honestly I'm pretty happy. The cocksucker who stole from me probably just used the money for the new identity," he shrugged, getting back into the rental car and driving back to our villa.

Honestly, what a waste of fucking time this all was just for them to see him in person to execute the bank transfer. Fuck them.

Our villa however, was stunning. I say villa and you probably expect a cute wooden bungalow over the water like in Bora Bora. No, this was a fucking prestige mansion overlooking the ocean with eight bedrooms, a twenty five metre lap pool and a tennis court; majority of which we won't use.

The actual house wasn't to either of our tastes but it was owned by one of the older guys in The Family. He used it as a holiday home, so imagine the decor being expensive and luxurious but at the standard thirty years ago.

Now this might be in poor taste to joke about, but this fucking mansion looked like somewhere Jeffrey Epstein and Donald Trump would kidnap women to bring them to. Mar A Lago? Is that what Trumps creepy big Florida house is called? It was tacky and ugly like that. It also looks like a house someone would shoot a drug dealing movie at where the delusional main character would shoot a machine gun into the air with a thick cigar and an angry chihuahua dog next to him.

"Darling?" Tom asked, cocking his head to the side and making me realise I had completely zoned out thinking about how ridiculous this house was. It wasn't as nice as our house back home though, it was kind of ugly.

"Huh? Sorry, what?" I laughed, sitting on the bed with one shoe on and the other on the floor. Both of my socks were wet and my hair was drenched. Fuck you ugly house and your long ass pathway to the front door.

"I asked if you wanted to join me in the shower?" He said unbuttoning his shirt and pushing a dropping strand of hair from his forehead.

"Well we want to save water right? Gotta be kind to the environment," I laughed, getting up off the bed and following him into the bathroom.

He was gentle. Delicate. Affectionate. His hands trailed down to my hips as he pulled the damp shirt over my head and leant forward to kiss my collarbone, unclipping my bra shortly after.

"God you are so beautiful," he whispered against my neck, leaving a string of kisses from my ear to my shoulder. It made a shiver run up my spine, the cold air from the lack of clothing mixing with the hot steam filling the room from the running shower.

"Can your kisses happen in the shower please? It's kinda cold being naked," I laughed, stroking my fingers through his hair as he pulled away and go inside the shower cubicle.

Wriggling out of my jeans I joined him, looking at him in the eyes as we embraced each other. Nothing overtly sexual or carnal, just enjoying the soft touch of each other's bodies against our own. The running water flowing down our sides and warming us up. His arms around my waist and mine around his torso as my cheek pressed against his chest.

It was nice, just being with him in the shower and doing nothing besides feeling the immense love we had for each other.

Tom hates shower sex almost as much as I do, so I know neither of us would initiate anything sexual during this time. In the past we had often used a whole together for foreplay and then had sex afterwards, but right in this moment, everything just felt so calm and serene. Almost as if sex would ruin the moment.

Just not now, now feels like the closure both of us needed after such a stressful period we had had together. As if this weirdly long hug under the shower water was cleansing us of our relationship struggle. I know that sounds really fucking dumb, but it really did feel like more than a hug in a shower.

After this peaceful moment though, I definitely want to fuck him. It's been way too fucking long since we have been intimate with each other. I don't care if I look desperate or wildly horny, I need him and I need him tonight.

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