34 | Stay With Me, Always

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"I think you need to leave," Tom said quietly, his voice low as he looked towards Haz with a look to say 'I'll handle it'.

I was still sitting stunned at our table, watching the interaction as Robyn nudged her sister to resume the music and let everyone socialise once more. It was terrifying really, I didn't think I'd ever have to see him again. Quickly, I tried scanning the room for the other Maniscalo sister, Mila and her Yakuza boyfriend who I couldn't remember the name of.

I spotted them hand in hand at a surrounding table, Mila looking scared whilst... Fuck, I still can't remember her Japanese husbands name, but he was glaring across the room at Jack.

"But why should I leave? Harrison is like a son to me, it's only right for me to give the newlyweds my blessing and give them a gift," he grinned, not looking at anyone around him except for Tom.

"How did you get here anyway?" Tom said looking around the room for any potential threats, fearful that Jack had something up his sleeve in order to ruin the day somehow; knowing Jack Maniscalo, he is probably plotting to kill someone.

"A plane, how else would I get to Italy?" He chuckled.

"You know what I mean. How'd you get out of prison? I doubt someone with more counts of murder on their record than the years they were actually sentenced to, got released on a good behaviour bond," Tom scoffed, turning back towards Jack.

"You're forgetting who I am Tommy. I'm a very powerful man with very powerful connections," he grinned, leaning over the table to take my champagne glass from in front of me before nodding as a thanks. This was the first time he had made eye contact with me since he had arrived.

"Nice to see you're alive my sweet girl, I've heard you took the The Family oath... Welcome," he said lifting my champagne glass up to salute me before taking a large swig.

"Jack I don't want to make a scene but you need to fucking leave right now. There are a lot of people here who don't need to be involved in mafia business and I'd prefer it if Robyn's family were kept up with the illusion of a normal wedding. Go on, leave," Tom threatened, glaring across at Jack who just laughed.

"I'm not here to create drama Tommy, like I said I'm here to express my admiration and love for the newlyweds. I'll catch up with Harrison after the reception perhaps... I'll leave you both to a good night, for it may be the last you spend with your girlfriend, best friend and family. Nice seeing you Thomas," he said turning on his heels and walking back to where he had entered, walking back up the garden towards the hotel.

Tom turned towards Haz to give him a shrug and then a consoling thumbs up given Jack had left, although they were on high alert. How had he escaped prison? Why was he here? Why did he threaten Tom?

I stood up from my chair and joined Tom by his side, watching the older Maniscalo walk through the perfectly manicured grounds of the hotel and watch the reception from the pool area. It was haunting, seeing him glare down at the party and watch our every moves. What was he planning?

"Nobody has guns here... I didn't even bring any to Italy... Fuck!" Tom muttered, wiping his palm across his face as he thought aloud.

"Tom, we will figure this out okay? I'm with you, Harrison is with you and I'm sure your brothers will help you too. Maybe he's just asserting his dominance by frightening you, he won't do anything bad," I said to try and calm Tom down, although there were bigger things on his mind.

1) Tom is no longer the godfather
2) Someone close to Tom is about to die

"I don't understand, why can he threaten you like that but you can't just kill him?" I asked.

"It's the rules of The Family... He won't kill anyone, but he will set it up via someone else and try to get away with it..." Tom sighed, twisting his ring around his finger nervously.

"Why don't you set something up and get away with it then?" I asked again.

"These things take time Darling, setting up a hit on someone takes weeks to even begin the first step. He's been in jail for months, who knows how long he has been plotting this... You're not to leave my side tonight okay? Come on, we need to warn my family," he said putting his arm around my waist tightly.

As we walked, I turned my head to look back up the hill towards the pool, Jack Maniscalo still watching us as he raised the same champagne glass up to acknowledge the fact he had seen me.

Does he know I killed Sofia?
Jesus fuck, I hope not.

Tom pulled Nikki and his brothers aside, giving them each the run down on what had just happened. Paddy, still not initiated into the mafia, was luckily talking to a girl several years older than him at the bar and missing this conversation entirely.

"Just keep an eye on each other okay? Mum, can you tell Mila and Benjiro?" Tom asked. Fucking Benjiro! That's his name! How do I keep forgetting this?

"Okay, let's all just try to enjoy the rest of the night okay? Harry and Sam, can you walk Mum to her room later on? Cool, I uh, I need a line of coke to get my head straight," Tom said shaking his head, pulling me along with him towards the bathrooms.

Given the reception party was outdoors down near the water, we had to walk up the hill towards the main hotel to reach the outdoor bathrooms, right next to the pool in which Jack was before.

"I don't think cocaine is the best thing to be doing right now Tom," I warned, standing outside the outdoor bathroom block.

"Y/N, I need something right now," Tom growled, looking behind me at Jack perched on the same seat as before, watching the party down the hill by the water.

"Come in with me," he insisted, not wanting to leave me alone near him.

"I don't want to be around you when you're snorting lines, I'll just wait out here. I'm fine Tom," I promised, turning around to see Jack still watching.

Tom went inside the bathroom blocks as I turned to face Jack Maniscalo, not trusting him if I couldn't see him. He turned and patted the bench next to him, smiling at me before waving.

"Let's have a quick catch up sweetheart, this will be the last time we ever get to talk," he called out.

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