10 | There Has to be a Mistake Here

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Last night was eventful to say the least.
After the call from my commanding officer, Haz admitting he received a finger addressed to The Godfather and Harry saying a similar package arrived to their family home addressed to The Godfather as well, I was fucking scared.

Who was after us? Who was trying to send us a message? And what was their message? Why fingers? Who's fingers are they? Do we know them?

Watching Tom box right now makes me happy though, seeing him enjoy himself without the help of drugs. With his spare time he's been training almost every day, the fight lasted about seven minutes before his opponent was knocked out.

Last night was eventful other than the finger revelation though; Tom actually got horny. And I said no.

"Did you miss this as much as I did?" Tom said quietly, kissing my neck as his hand caressed my breast. I'll be honest, I was surprised when Tom seemed to initiate sex but not as surprised as I was at myself for not wanting it back.

"Tom, I-I'm sorry I just can't stop thinking about the fingers and I'm not really in the mood right now. Trust me, I will, just... Not now," I sighed, resting my head back into the pillow and looking at him.

"No I understand, getting a severed finger at work, another one here, one at Haz's and now one at my family's house... it's pretty dark... I'm sorry," he said chuckling awkwardly.

As much as we were both shaken by the fingers turning up in our lives, Tom wasn't as concerned as I obviously was. He put it down to someone trying to send The Godfather a signal, so he hired security to guard the property alongside our existing cameras. Given I wasn't working at the precinct in person he said we'd be safe at home.

I do feel safe though, I always feel safe around Tom. I think I'm more shaken about how this guy got the fingers in the first place. Where are they from? Who are they from? There's two women and two men. One woman had her nails painted with French tips whereas the other didn't, and one man was elderly with the other chewing his nails.

Although I couldn't figure out the motive behind our suspect nor create a psychological profile for them, I did use the police database to skim through any reports of severed fingers or missing persons. There are people who go missing all the fucking time so that was a dead end. And nobody who had died recently had missing fingers. And nobody went to hospital saying someone cut off a finger without their consent.

Given the lack of police records, the finger victims must be criminals; there is no way that someone could cut off one of your fucking fingers and you not do anything about it. Why wouldn't they go to a hospital or the police? They don't want to get caught.

They're protecting their own attacker. But why? It must be blackmail of some kind, someone within The Family maybe? Or perhaps another mafia. A rival mafia? Maybe just some random criminal. Fuck, I don't know.

"Ah I'm so proud of you my love!" I said throwing my arms around his sweaty body and hugging him as he kissed my cheek with a chuckle.

"It was an easy match, nothing crazy... Can I uh, can I have a celebration drink?" He asked, not having any alcohol since the heroin incident. I was fine with him drinking as long as he didn't get out of control. He was safe with me.

"Yeah of course, get me one too,"  I smiled, linking my arm with his and leaning my head on his shoulder in the line for the bar.

"I'm all sweaty Darling," he laughed, shaking me off and kissing my forehead before asking the bartender for two beers. He activated his card on his phone and tapped it against the Eftpos machine, seeing the word 'declined' appear on the screen.

"What the fuck," he muttered, trying again and receiving the same response from the machine. Even I was confused, it's almost impossible for Tom to have run out of money. He has millions.

I smiled and tapped my phone instead, laughing and joking that his account balance must be under two digits instead of its usual infinite amount of numbers. He looked concerned though, opening his bank app and logging in to check his details.

"I- Um... Come with me," he said pulling my arm as I held the two beers and followed him to the locker rooms.

"Are you okay Tom?" I asked as he sat down on the bench and smiled.

"Yeah no I just need a quiet space to call my bank. Can you uh..." He said to me, motioning his head towards the change room showers to see if anyone else was in here. The coast was clear, we're alone.

He hasn't ever gone into his finances with me but I know that he has an offshore money laundering account that he transfers money out of to his local everyday account.

He called them, chewing his bottom lip nervously as he  asked the person on the other line to 'check again' followed up with 'are you sure?'

I was nervous alongside him, standing near the door to make sure nobody else came in as he continued his conversation with this overseas bank. I assumed he would have his own associates under him that's like control his finances, so the fact he was calling himself meant that something is definitely wrong.

"What do you mean my account is frozen? Why would I transfer all of the money from one account to another? You understand how ridiculous that sounds right? Why would you authorise such a thing?" he said bluntly into the phone.

Was Tom bankrupt now? Did someone steal all of his money? Not that it matters to me if he is broke because I obviously will still love and stay with him no matter what, but it's definitely fucking concerning how someone could do something like this.

"Well, who opened this new account huh? Where's all my fucking money?" He said raising his voice.

I sat next to him, holding his hand and intertwining my fingers. He gripped my hand tightly as he took a deep, slow and controlled breath. An angry and fury filled breath.

"I don't have a wife."

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