26 | Playing Hard to Get

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"You want to drive or should I?" Tom said picking up the car keys from the ground and jiggling them in his palm. He seemed to nonchalant about the situation at hand, whereas I was distraught and covered in another mans blood.

Upon thinking back to how precise and perfect Tom's timing was shooting that gang leader, I'm led to believe this was planned; a plan in which, I was not fully across. And for that, I'm furious.

He tossed me his jacket and told me to cover up. Not because I looked like Carrie from the movie Carrie, but because I 'might get cold with the top down'. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, this man just killed someone inches away from me and wants to drive a flashy sports car home with the fucking top down?!  I have literally chunks of fucking brain on my dress and he just tells me to put his hoodie on?!

"You can drive," I said quietly, walking around to the passenger seat of the car and sitting down carefully. He put the keys in the ignition and fired up the engine, a loud rumbling roar echoing through the car park as Tom laughed to himself.

"Ugh, listen to her purr! Jesus Christ, how was it driving this beast? It's fucking good hey?" He grinned, driving slowly up the multiple ramps of the casino car park before pounding his foot down on the accelerator once we reached the road.

Tom was having a grand old fucking time, loving every second of the exhilarating drive. If I wasn't shaking from anger or fearful of being seen by someone, I would have possibly enjoyed this. Alas, we were in a ridiculously attention seeking car, and I was very much an accomplice to murder.

We dropped the car off to the same guy who I picked it up from and Tom drove both of us home. I barely said a word to him until he started praising himself on his 'well-executed plan'.

"Aw Darling, your first task was so so great. Honestly, we've been trying to get at that asshole for years and without you we would never have wiped him out," he grinned, opening my car door for me as I walked inside and straight to the bathroom.

In complete silence.

"Let's get you nice and clean hm?" He said coyly, following me to the bathroom and obviously wanting sex. Tom often liked to have sex after the endorphin rush of a mafia task - but there is no chance tonight.

I slammed the door after me and locked it, shutting him out and showering myself. Like always with blood strained clothes or incriminating evidence, I threw my dress and shoes into a plastic zip lock bag and left it on the kitchen bench for when we called the cleaners.

Tom was in bed, shirtless like usual and tapping the blankets next to him. I simply walked over, picked up my pillow and turned back towards the door.

"Woah, darling... What's up?" He said sitting up.

"What's up? What's up? You seriously don't understand why I'm annoyed at you?" I spat, glaring down at him in bed.

"Is it cos I didn't tell you the whole plan?" He asked, his voice quiet and shy like a child. I just laughed, tilting my head back and shaking it.

"I couldn't tell you! You wouldn't have been able to act normally around him and he would have known something was off. I needed you to be raw with him," he whined, looking up at me and pouting.

"No, don't you fucking look at me like that. Now is not the time for those cute brown puppy dog eyes," I said turning away.

"What puppy dog eyes? I'm just looking at you normally?" He said, knowing full well he was turning on the sookiness that always got him his way.

Turning back to him glaring once again, I threw my pillow at him and sighed.

"You pull anything like that again, and I will leave your ass okay? I get that you're the Godfather and everything but you're my partner first, got it?" I said getting into bed.

His arm wrapped around my waist and I pushed it away, looking at him and squinting menacingly.

"Not so fast Dutch, you're not off the hook yet," I huffed, getting under the covers and facing him.

"Oh, so you're playing hard to get?" He laughed, smiling at me innocently.

"No, I'm making sure you realise how good you've got it with me, you still need to work for this," I laughed, kissing him softly and nuzzling into the pillow.

"Doesn't work like that darling. Once you're mine, you stay mine," he laughed, shaking his head and pulling me back towards him tightly.

He's such a cocky prick.
Fuck I love him.

"Lie to me again and I'll make sure nobody else can have you after me," I threatened jokingly, cupping his crotch in my hand, implying that he wouldn't have it much longer if he lied to me.

He simply laughs and cupped my face with his hand, smiling at me softly.

"What makes you think there would ever be someone after you?" He said gently.

Again, such a cocky prick.
But kind of cute.

God damn it, how can I stay angry at him? I'm furious still, but fuck I love him.

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